Page 68 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 68
A Song
in His
Kelly Hastey
by Kimm Hastey
elly Hastey was born
in Lubbock on June 11, School. After graduation, he
K1966, to Joe and Maxine became even more devoted to life
Hastey. He was raised in a family as a musician and entertainer.
of music lovers who often got
together to fellowship and play Kelly played locally in the West
music together. Joe played guitar Texas area but also spent time on
and wrote songs. His brother, the road, performing in various
Sammy, played guitar, and his places. Kelly typically played lead
Aunt Jean played fiddle. Music guitar and sang lead vocals in
was a constant for Kelly, who various bands. He has played with
began playing mandolin when he many talented people in his career,
was only six years old and, over some unknown and some well-
the years, taught himself to play known. He spent time in Branson,
guitar, bass and even steel guitar. Missouri, played with many
Kelly also started singing, writing talented musicians, and toured
songs, and performing with a with The Ozark Jubilee. What
band. mattered to him was the music,
not the fame or notoriety often
Kelly was active in many areas associated with the music scene. is not the only thing that defines
throughout his young life. He Kelly simply loved the music, him. In 1991, he married Kimm. In
played baseball and football and especially traditional country and 1998, he had his first son, and in
ran track. He was a member of Western music. 2004, he completed his family with
the FFA and served as a sentinel the birth of his second son. It was
during high school. In 1984, he While Kelly has always been and during that time that Kelly learned
graduated from Frenship High still is in love with his art, music a new role: he became a family
68 Lubbock Senior Link