Page 72 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
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an Alzheimer’s Caregiver
he burden of Alzheimer’s and visit can make a significant difference fundraising events such as the Walk
other dementias weighs heavily in a caregiver’s day and help them feel to End Alzheimer’s® and The Longest
Ton caregivers across the country, supported. Day®, advocate for more research
according to the 2024 Alzheimer’s Disease funding, or sign up to participate in a
Facts and Figures recently released ● Tackle the To-Do List: Ask for a list clinical study through the Alzheimer’s
by the Alzheimer’s Association. The of errands that need to be run—such as Association’s Trial Match.
Alzheimer’s Association West Texas picking up groceries or prescriptions. It
Chapter is encouraging people to lend can be hard for a caregiver to find time to Stacie Patterson is taking part in the Walk
a helping hand to more than a million complete these simple tasks that we often to End Alzheimer’s Lubbock on October
family members and friends serving as take for granted. 5, 2024. Having lost her mother, Cindi, to
Alzheimer’s caregivers in Texas. the disease a year ago, she will represent
● Be Specific and Be Flexible: Open- the purple flower—someone who has lost
The Alzheimer’s Association offers these ended offers of support may be well- a loved one to Alzheimer’s or dementia—
suggestions: intended but are often dismissed. Be during the Walk ceremony. “I walk in
specific in your offer. Continue to let the honor of my mother,” said Patterson.
● Learn: Educate yourself about caregiver know that you are there and “Please help me fight this horrible disease
Alzheimer’s disease—its symptoms, its ready to help. that takes your loved one’s life before
progression, and the common challenges they’re even gone.”
facing caregivers. The more you know, ● Help for the
the easier it will be to help. Holidays: Help
caregivers around
● Build a Team: Organize family the holidays by LUBBOCK
and friends who want to help with offering to help with REGISTER
caregiving. The Alzheimer's Association cooking, cleaning, NOW
offers several free, online care calendar or gift shopping. &
resources that families can use to build If a caregiver has GET READY
their care team, and coordinate helpers. traditionally hosted TO WALK
family celebrations, TO END Saturday, October 5
● Give Caregivers a Break: Make offer your home ALZHEIMER'S! Adventure Park
a standing appointment to give the instead.
caregiver a break. Spend time with the
person living with dementia and allow ● Join the Fight:
the caregiver a chance to run errands, Honor a person living
go to their own doctor’s appointment, with the disease
participate in a support group or engage and their caregiver
in an activity that helps them recharge. by joining the fight
against Alzheimer’s.
● Check In: Many Alzheimer’s and Volunteer with your
dementia caregivers report feeling local Alzheimer’s
isolated or alone. A phone call to check Association chapter,
in, sending a note, or stopping by for a participate in
Registration is now open for the 2024 Walk to End TO START OR JOIN
Alzheimer’s in Lubbock and throughout West Texas. To join or A TEAM TODAY
start a team, please visit: or visit
72 Lubbock Senior Link