Page 64 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
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       Impacting Lubbock

       for      Four                    Decades

           Tom Couture

                   ith 48 years in the        Fast forward to
                   mortgage lending           today, and Tom is
         Windustry, Tom Couture is            a top-producing
         a veteran. He knows this business    mortgage lender, as
         like the back of his hand and        well as the Director of
         considers himself to be a blessed    mortgage lending at                 is my great pleasure to give back in
         man to have had the opportunity to   the Texas Tech Credit Union. With   some small way.“
         help so many people achieve their    designations in the prestigious     Impact Makers LBK convenes three
         dreams of homeownership and          “Scotsman’s Guide of Mortgage       times a year, hosting sessions led
         creating wealth through real estate   Originators” and his standing in the   by Tom and his team, as well as
         investment.                          top 1% of mortgage lenders in the   guest speakers and realtor panels.
                                              United States, Tom is fulfilling his   These gatherings unite local
         Tom started in the mortgage          dream of helping others.
         business in his hometown of                                              business leaders to share insights,
         Montpelier, Vermont, right after     Tom views mortgages not as          foster connections, and amplify one
         graduating from high school.         transactions, but as opportunities to   another's capabilities and innovative
         While he had no specific plans       serve people. ”It is very rewarding   energies. By nurturing each other
         to go into the mortgage lending      to have the opportunity to make     through encouragement and
         business, neither did he see himself   a positive difference in people's   collaboration, the group's primary
         as someone who wanted to go to       lives every day. The best part about   objective is to cultivate leadership
         college. He started his career in    my job is helping people. I get to   skills that empower members to
         mortgage at a large life insurance   work with realtor referral partners   contribute to the community more
         company in Vermont in 1976,          to grow their businesses, and I get   effectively.
         working his way through each         to help individual people, in some   "Tom has also brought the mortgage
         department and learning every        small way, to achieve their dream   lending community together
         aspect of the business. “I realized   of owning a home for their family   and is the founding officer of the
         quickly that I loved the mortgage    or building wealth through real     West Texas Mortgage Bankers
         business and loved helping people,“   estate ownership in the investment   Association, a local chapter of
         he said.                             property space,” said Couture.      the Texas Mortgage Bankers
                                                                                  Association. He also serves on
         After eight years at National Life   Another one of Tom‘s passions is a
         Insurance in Vermont, Tom was        business and personal development   the board of the Texas Mortgage
         offered the opportunity to move      group that he recently founded here   Bankers Association in Austin,
         to Lubbock for a job with Plains     in Lubbock called Impact Makers     Texas. In addition, he has served two
         National Bank (now PlainsCapital     LBK (      terms as president of the Lubbock
         Bank), so, in 1985, he packed up his   "Lubbock and its community of real   Housing Finance Corporation board
         family, moved to Lubbock, and the    estate professionals, have given so   of directors and continues as a board
         rest is history!                     much to me over the years, and it   member. His active role in these
                                                                                  organizations demonstrates Tom's

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