Page 73 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 73

SENIOR RESOURCES                                                        SENIOR RESOURCES


            YOUR LANDSCAPE

            by Sam A Foncham, PhD

               our home consists of the      3) “I have dead spots on my lawn.”   water. Too much water in the soil
               structure in which you live,   • Gasoline or engine oil may have   can have the same effect as too little
         Yplus the surrounding space up      spilled. (Oils are herbicides.)     water.
         to your property boundary, which    • Clumps of fertilizer may
         we term “landscape” or yard. Your   have fallen on the turf. (If too    6) “My lawn or trees are doing better
         landscape, particularly your front   concentrated, a fertilizer may     on one side than the other.”
         yard, which in most cases is exposed   become an herbicide. Watering may   Sunlight, slope, and soil type may
         to the public, often reflects your   help to dissolve it.)              vary, even on a small property,
         personality.                        • Grub worms may cause patches on   resulting in growth differences.
                                             the lawn. Consult a specialist.
         Many rules are in place for those                                       7) “My driveway is cracking.”
         who occupy a home. For example,     4) “My lawn has built up over the   Roots of trees may be the cause.
         if half of your property has weeds   years.”                            Also, even a well-compacted soil
         above one foot, you may receive a   Dust is usually the cause. This     can expand and contract at different
         citation from the city to bring it to   is more common in yards on the   rates, so driveways (just like streets)
         compliance. Also, if your trees or   outskirts of the city or near farms.   cannot be guaranteed to be crack-free
         bushes are blocking traffic, you may   Lawns can be regraded, and sprinkler   over the years.
         be required to remove or trim them.   heads adjusted.
                                                                                 Sam Foncham has been in business
         Most Lubbock homeowners take        5) “I can’t get anything to grow in   for 29 years and holds graduate
         pride in their lawns, but they face a   my yard.”                       degrees in Plant and Soil Science
         few common problems:                The urban environment is complex.   as well as in Family and Consumer
                                             • Salts used in melting snow may    Sciences Education. He can help you
         1) “I have too many weeds.”         splash with the rains onto the lawn.   resolve many of these issues and
          Routine maintenance should be a    • Asphalt in road construction may   more.
         year-round activity. Some companies   affect trees and lawns.           Call him at Sam and Company
         provide a year-round weed control   • During home construction, diesel   806-786-5284.
         package which may or may not        and other
         include mowing. For established     oils may
         lawns, routine fertilizer and watering   cause the
         usually reduces the chances of a    soil to be
         weed problem.                       barren.
                                             • Some
         2) “My yard isn’t level anymore.”   soils
         Soils may be leveled during         are just
         construction, but the soils don’t settle   infertile.
         uniformly because some may have     • Some
         more organic matter than others.    lawn areas
         Also, the soil type may be different   may be
         and heavy equipment used may        low and
         compact the soil more in some areas.  saturated

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