Page 63 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 63

A Youthful Perspective


          patience, determination, and belief
          that I could successfully achieve this
          small yet significant victory.            I first met Holly Betenbough in 1989, as a classmate at Texas Tech.
                                                    She was a sweet newlywed, thoughtful and kind to all she met.
          With my godmother, I can be               Honestly, Holly was one of those rare folk, so nice you wondered,
          myself. Not only do we have deep          “Is this an act?” Around the same time as our graduation, her
          conversations, but laughter is            husband (with his father) launched a building company. Only a
          always abundant. I can share about        few years later, Holly reached out asking for help in identifying
          the work the Lord is doing in my          local ministries making an impact in our city, that they might bless
          life. I also love hearing about how       with donations from their now-thriving venture. If Betenbough
          the Lord has used my godmother,           Homes were a body, Holly would be the heart.
          and how she eagerly listens to His
          voice and trusts in His plan and          One hundred other people could share common anecdotes,
          purpose for her life. She inspires me     reflecting on Holly’s generosity and her mothering grace. An
          to spend very intentional time with       encounter with my friend leaves you believing she wouldn’t want
          the Lord and open my heart to His         to be anywhere else with anyone else during that moment...and
          word. Furthermore, she takes every        it’s true (“Holly-hugs,” anyone?). Holly is the real deal. In recent
          opportunity to share the love of          years, this woman has further proven her mettle as a “mama bear,”
          Christ with others.                       parlaying her local influence in the fight for unborn life and safety
                                                    of our city streets. All this, in the midst of being Rick’s constant,
          I have been incredibly honored to         through his epic battle with cancer. They only gave me 200 words,
          witness how she fights through            so I'll close with this...I'm proud to call you sister, Holly B!
          prayer. Because of her undeniable
          faith in the Lord, she uses prayer        ~Rich Smith
          as her weapon against the enemy.
          She is a prayer warrior, and she
          has a quiet strength that is so
          incredibly beautiful. Every week,                            Tinsley Drake
          she and her prayer group pray
          over the City of Lubbock for the                             Tinsley Drake will be a junior this fall.
          renewal and restoration of this                              She is homeschooled, enjoys dancing and
          city. In addition, she goes out in                           teaching at Christ In The Arts, and loves to
          the community to pray over our                               write in her spare time.
          city and everyone who lives here.
          This is helping me, as a sixteen-
          year-old, to focus and be aware
          of the needs of others rather than
          focusing on myself. Aunt Holly has
          and still is teaching me by example
          to be a selfless, kind, and generous
          servant to everyone I meet.
          By investing in my life, Aunt Holly
          has inspired me, not only as a
          person, but also in my walk with the
          Lord. The love she has for me and
          others is demonstrated by her quiet,
          gentle spirit. She has maintained her
          faith through the hills and valleys
          of her own life and will forever
          continue to be a light in this dark

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