Page 66 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 66

SENIOR RESOURCES                                                        SENIOR RESOURCES

            FINANCIAL                                Peace of Mind

         reTiremenT                                                               leverage of mortality credits, offered
                                                                                  by an annuity!  Do you see how life
                                                                                  insurance and guaranteed lifetime
                                                                                  income are tied together?  This is the
                                                                                  new “retirement alpha” that is the
                                                                                  key to success in retirement.
             The following information is especially important to Seniors
             approaching age 65 or retirement and who plan on taking              Research also shows you will
             distributions from their investments as a supplemental income.       be happier in retirement with
                                                                                  guaranteed lifetime income.  This
            n our last few editions, I gave   things they said they were going    happiness and reduced stress level
            readers ways to use annuities    to do in retirement.  They said they   may very well allow you to live
         Ito create a guaranteed lifetime    were going to buy a boat, join the   longer as well.  Think about that –
         income and how to protect their     country club, and take a cruise     simply adding a guaranteed lifetime
                                                                                 income annuity will increase the
         assets with long term benefits      around the world.  I ask them, “Have
         provided by annuities.              you done that yet?”  The answer,    returns of your portfolio, lower the
                                                                                 risk, and allow you to be happier and
                                             “No, we need to keep this money –
         When you ask most people how        just in case, just in case, just in case.”    live longer!
         much money they want to leave       These people are living what I call   “I love to run into annuity non-
         their children or grandchildren,    a “Just-in-case retirement!”  So they
         many of them say, “Well, I guess    don’t spend their money, they don’t   believers.  They have received
                                                                                 their information from television
         whatever is left over when we die…”    spend their money, and they don’t
         but is this the most efficient way   spend their money, but then what   personalities who get paid to sell
                                                                                 investment products.  They hate
         to transfer assets?  I don’t think so.    happens?  They die.  What happens
         Additionally, many seniors live a   to the money?  It goes to their kids.    annuities.  Yet, in less than five
                                                                                 minutes, I can prove every one of
         diminished retirement because, in   What do they do with it?  THEY buy
         the back of their minds, they want   the boat.  THEY join the country club,   them wrong.  I simply ask them to
                                                                                 build a portfolio they think I cannot
         to “leave something for the kids.”  I   and THEY take a cruise around the
         ask people if they have done all the   world!                           beat – yep, load up on stocks and
                                                                                 bonds.  I then simply reach into
                                                                                 their portfolio and remove some
                                                           Why not decide        of the bonds.  I replace them with
                                                           UPFRONT how
                                                           much to leave the     a lifetime income annuity.  Do you
                                                                                 know what that does to the portfolio?
                                                           kids?  Then, for
                                                           PENNIES on the        It increases the returns and lowers
                                                                                 the risk!  The bottom line:  If your
                                                           dollar, use life
                                                           insurance to go to    retirement portfolio does not include
                                                                                 some guaranteed lifetime income,
                                                           the kids, income and
                                                           estate tax free!  You   it is SUBOPTIMAL (less than what
                                                                                 it could or should be!) “says, Tom
                                                           get the leverage of
                                        Lowell Bridges     “mortality credits”   Hegna, author: Retirement Alpha.
         2513 86th ST ste.A, Lubbock, TX 79423   AFC member 2023  offered by the life   The easiest way for most people to
                                                           insurance policy by                              take advantage of guaranteed lifetime
                                                           the longer you live.    income is simply to replace some or
                                                           Then you can buy
         Association of Financial Consultants (AFC) is an IRS-approved   guaranteed lifetime   all of their bonds with a guaranteed
         501(c)(3) non-profit organization. AFC serves as an informational       lifetime income annuity.  That is a
         teaching resource for the general public. AFC member fiduciaries and   income—receiving   recipe for success and peace of mind
         consultants are committed to public service. We offer Educational   DOLLARS for   in retirement!
         workshops and classes at no cost or obligation to the attendees.  pennies from the

                 A special thanks to Tom Hegna, author and lecturer, for the contribution in his publication from
                             Retirement Alpha, How Mortality Credits Improve Retirement Outcomes, 2019.

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