Page 65 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 65


        deep commitment to fostering community,      “
        uplifting others, and providing support. At   If you were to look up ‘Tom Couture’ in the dictionary, you'd
        the heart of his values is his belief in guiding   probably find something along these lines: ‘a person who prioritizes
        individuals to discover their unique purpose   leading with genuine compassion before relying on their wealth
        and unlocking the potential within them      of experience and knowledge.’ Tom has had a profound impact
        to fulfill that purpose. His dedication to   on my life, not just professionally, but more so on a personal level.
                                                     He is a perpetual learner, always eager to absorb new insights and
        building connections and inspiring personal   then generously share them for the betterment of those around
        growth remains a driving force in his        him. Tom's generosity knows no boundaries, as he gives of himself
        endeavors.                                   wholeheartedly in every aspect of his life.”

        Tom is the father of five grown children and                          ~Ruben Trujillo, Clear Rock Realty
        has eight wonderful grandchildren. Most of
        them live in other cities now (two in Austin,   “
        one in Colorado, one in Alabama, and the     When I think of Tom, there are two words that really come to mind.
        youngest here in Lubbock), and Tom says      ‘Present’ and ‘selfless.’ Tom has a very unique quality that allows
        that just gives him the opportunity to visit   him to be in the moment. When talking with Tom, no matter where
        other places. He puts a high priority on his   he is or what he’s doing, he’s there, and he’s attentive. Secondly, the
                                                     reason I feel he’s so present with people ‘in the moment’ is because
        family.                                      he wants those he’s with to know they’re valuable to him and that
                                                     nothing outside that moment or individual is more important. Time
        After all these many years in the mortgage   and time again, I watch Tom lay his own desires aside and serve his
        industry and in the community of Lubbock,    family, his colleagues, his clients, his friends, and even strangers. It’s
        Tom’s favorite activity continues to be      a lifestyle he lives, and I’m proud to say and consider it a joy to have
        spending time with people and sharing their   a front row seat.”      ~Tanner Dean, Clear Rock Realty

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