Page 70 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 70



          Double Vision

          Edith Sims and Edna Heflin

          by Ted Wilson

             n the summer of 1943, August     had started
             10, to be exact, Joe and Ruby    producing
         IHatch, at the ages of 49 and 43,    two at a time,
          were expecting their ninth child.   Joe and Ruby
          It was a bit scary because Ruby     decided to quit
          was also dealing with a tumor       the “hatching”
          associated with the pregnancy.      business.)
          Into the world came Edith. Thirty
          minutes later, the parents were     The girls were
          shocked when the tumor turned       as close outside
          out to be Edna. The two “Eds”       the womb as
          were bonded in the womb for         they had been
          nine months, and the bond has       within. They
          never let up. Dr. McKinley Howell   were never
          had charged the Hatch’s $50 for     separated until                     Edith and Edna never spent a night
          the delivery up front. He later     seventh grade landed them in        apart until Edna married. Then
          refunded $25 because they were      different homerooms. They found     Edith married, and they found
          twins. What a surprise God had      ways to be together though. For     themselves further apart than ever.
          “hatched” up!                       instance, they worked diligently    Edna worked many years at the
                                              to make sure both homerooms         Texas Tech Credit Union, until
          For three days, the girls had       secured the funds to attend the     her retirement fifteen years ago.
          no middle names. The hospital       end-of-school picnic together.      Edith worked for many years at
          wouldn’t release them until those   They always dressed alike, even     CHS Ag Chemicals in Plainview,
          names were chosen. Dad asked,       though it wasn’t always easy for    until she retired at the age of 78,
          “Who’s the oldest?”  “Edith.”  So,   their mom to find matching flour   only a couple of years ago. Now
          they were named Edith A and         sacks for dress fabric. One of the   both widows, after 40 years of
          Edna B. They get a kick out of that   things the twins find notable about   separation, they live in Plainview,
          story now, but as young ladies,     high school was placing second in   only an alley away from each
          their middle names/letters weren’t   badminton playoffs. They gave the   other. When asked why they don’t
          so funny. Edith and Edna were       much taller, first place team a run   live together, they responded, “We
          Joe and Ruby’s last two children.   for their money.                    love each other enough not to live
          (At their ages, and since they                                          with each other.”

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