Page 61 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 61


                                        Sunday afternoon       38 years of experience in education, I found myself drawn
                                        presentation by an     to help Fresh Fire Fellowship start Fresh Fire Christian
                                        adoption agency        Academy.”
                                        from China, I began
                                        to pray, tearfully     Regarding this new endeavor, “Children are unique
                                        asking God how I       individuals. They need to develop at their own pace, but
                                        could possibly come    we often rush them or even inhibit them from advancing.
                                        up with the necessary   I want to meet each one where they are and help them
                                        $1500. I did not even   recognize that they are beloved children of God. I look
                                        have the $120 for the   forward to this next chapter. I know Fresh Fire Academy
                                        application. When I    will be a place where God works in the lives of kids!”
        arrived home, I saw an envelope on the floor below the mail   Linda Merriott is well known
        slot. Inside was $120!” Linda mailed in the application. “I   in the Christian education
        also went to Target and bought a pink baby dress.” After 2   community, and her colleagues
        1/2 years, Linda finally welcomed her baby girl. “I named   respect the remarkable journey
        her Emma Grace and kept her Chinese name FuTing. The   she has traveled so far. One
        names mean ‘embracing grace and beautiful blessing.’”
                                                               fellow educator said this:
        Linda earned a master’s degree and soon found herself   “Linda is the most consistently
        head of Southcrest Christian School. Emma graduated    faithful Christian I know.
        from Southcrest and later from Texas Tech. During that   She is 100% committed to
        season, Linda also helped start four new Christian schools.   her principles and never ever
        She retired in 2022 and began to teach women at the    wavers.” That is not only
        Lubbock County Detention Center. “I also volunteer with a   extraordinary; it’s exemplary.
        wonderful local ministry—Walking in Freedom. Still, after

                                                                        Fresh Fire

                                                                        Christian Academy

                                                     The King’s School of Excellence

                                                     FFCA, the King’s School of Excellence, is educating students who
                                                     will know their God given Identity and purpose, equipped with the
                                                     wisdom of God’s Word, and displaying it in the Power of the Holy
                                                     Spirit thus excelling in every aspect of their life.

                                                               Academic Excellence       Daily Chapel
                                                                   Partnering with Veritas Wellness

                                                     Experience the Difference, Schedule Your Tour Today!

                                                                    Linda Merriott – Head of School

                                                         |  806-535-1182
                                                                    3602 Frankford Avenue Lubbock

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