Page 62 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 62




        Loving and Leading

        by Tinsley Drake

             ew people live truly selfless   to my performances,
             lives, dedicated to serving    supporting me in
        Fand loving others as Jesus         school activities, and
        tells us. It is strenuous to maintain   listening to my great
        our faith in a world that distracts   hopes and plans, she
        us from the truth. However, my      has inspired me to
        godmother, Holly Betenbough, is     dream the impossible.
        the perfect example of a woman      It means the world to
        who has devoted her life to         me when she attends
        serving others and has zealously    my performances and
        trusted and followed the Lord.      school events. I always             Aunt Holly is 100% present.
        Her investment in my life has       look forward to seeing her bright   Instead of thinking about the
        fundamentally shaped who I am       smile and then giving her a big     rest of her plans or deadlines,
        as a person, as she has encouraged   hug. Her joyful presence lights up   she devotes her time to investing
        me in my walk with the Lord.        the room.                           and being present in the moment.
                                                                                I always feel seen, heard, and
        From the moment I was born,         Every conversation with Aunt        understood by her.
        Aunt Holly has been a prominent     Holly has been uplifting. She
        figure in my life, one who has      always encourages me to seek        She’s not only someone I go to for
        encouraged me, supported me,        the Lord above all else, and she    advice, but she has also been with
        and demonstrated Christ’s love      models what she teaches. When       me and witnessed many important
        to me. Growing up, a few times      I’ve gotten discouraged in my       milestones in my lifetime. For
        a year, I spent the night with my   faith or worried about the future,   instance, she was the first person
        godparents. I look forward to       she always motivates me with the    to take me driving, which
        these sleepovers because I get      truth of God. Whenever I have       happened in an empty parking lot,
        to spend time with Aunt Holly,      struggled to be a light in a dark   before I got my permit. Although
        without my siblings, and I love     place, she has shown me that I am   I was nervous, my godmother’s
        spending one-on-one time with       not alone.                          belief in me and her instructions
        her as I always feel her love for                                       relieved my fear. We laughed
        me.                                 I can share anything with her:      the entire afternoon, and I began
                                            my triumphs, celebrations,          to get used to being behind the
        Aunt Holly has encouraged me to     disappointments, struggles, and     wheel. I even had a successful
        pursue my dreams. By showing up     questions. When I am with her,      first parking job because of her

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