Page 60 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 60



                    So Far,

          Linda Merriott

         by Jane Bromley

              inda Merriott began life rather   friends’ lives back
              conventionally, growing up in   home.
         LLubbock and graduating from
         Frenship High School. She earned a   “I was always
         degree in Child Development from    drawn to the children on the streets.
         Texas Tech while simultaneously     A friend and I asked God to give us
         working in the shoe department at   a creative way to reach children. He
         Sears.                              helped us develop a beautiful mime
                                             set to music about the redemptive
         Her first job was teaching          story of the gospel. It was so effective
         Kindergarten in the Dallas area. After   that we witnessed both kids and
         three years, the young teacher moved   adults embracing the kingdom of God.
         back to Lubbock to teach in Slaton,   That mime has been performed all
         but something else was stirring in   over the world.”
         her heart. “I had always felt that
         God would someday send me to the    Linda was amazed at the way God
         mission field.” Linda’s ordinary life   led them. “One time, our team was
         began to exhibit signs of “extra”-  ministering in a deaf school in Korea.
         ness. After a year at Trinity Christian   Suddenly, God opened all their ears,
         School, she attended a training school   and it became a school for the hearing.   everyone wanted boys, and tragically,
         with Youth With a Mission (YWAM).   Many parents and children came to   seven out of ten baby girls were being
         That led to a decision to join YWAM’s   know God because of that miracle.”   killed at birth.
         effort in Singapore as a part of the Far   The team also ministered in many   When Linda received word that her
         East Evangelism Teams (FEET). She   red-light districts. “One time I was   father was dying, “I came back to
         describes that season as “an amazing   preaching near a brothel in South   Texas and to a season as Trinity’s
         time of seeing God move in people’s   Korea, and an American soldier    drama (creative ministry) teacher.
         lives, through healing, deliverance,   became enraged at our message. He   I will never forget the students’
         provision, and salvation.” Linda’s life   knocked me across the street, but we   tremendous performances of The
         had moved a long way from ordinary.   just kept on performing, and many   Crucible, Sound of Music, Cinderella,
                                             girls came to know Jesus.”
         She became the director of the FEET                                     Much Ado About Nothing and so many
         teams in Singapore and committed    At the time when most of Linda’s    more.”
         to YWAM in Asia for eight years. “I   friends back home were starting   Perhaps because of her
         lived in Hong Kong and Singapore    families, Linda and her team often   unconventional life, Linda had never
         while traveling and ministering in ten   encountered Chinese mothers who   married but always desired to be
         nations. I smuggled Bibles into China   would beg the missionaries to take   a mother. “I was so moved by the
         and was once arrested for doing so.”   their baby girls to America. At that   desperate mothers in China, I began
         That didn’t resemble at all any of her   time, China had a one-child policy;   to ask God if I could adopt. After one

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