Page 59 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 59

SENIOR RESOURCES                                                        SENIOR RESOURCES

            Lubbock Habitat for Humanity Prepares

          to Launch                       “GolDen Crew”

          by Christy Reeves

              ubbock Habitat is excited to   is also planning to have the ReStore   program based on need; the ability to pay
              announce the formation of a new   Glamour Girls who can greet and help   a no-interest, affordable mortgage; and
         Lgroup for individuals ages 65 and   customers in the ReStore and answer the   a willingness to partner with Lubbock
         older that will launch in the spring or   phone and other similar activities.   Habitat.
         summer. This group will be called “the
         Golden Crew” and should be a strong   Lubbock Habitat is also starting a Young   Construction of the homes is funded
         new addition to the Lubbock Habitat   Professionals group and feels like it is   through donations—from individuals,
         organization.                       crucial to create an organization with   businesses, foundations, churches, and
                                             a wide range of ages so that the entire   civic organizations—all given to Lubbock
         The purpose of the group is to offer a   community embraces the overall Habitat   Habitat for Humanity each year to build
         way for individuals 65 and up to plug   mission.                         houses. Lubbock Habitat also operates
         into Lubbock Habitat and offer their                                     the ReStore which raises funds through
         valuable skills, time, and talents while   Lubbock Habitat is selecting the   the sale of gently-used furniture, clothes,
         having fun and making new friends.   leadership of this group and determining   building supplies, home decor, and
         While details are in the works, the group   if there will be a minimal fee to cover   other items. The ReStore is located at
         will have regular social gatherings, such   expenses, such as food for gatherings and   3630 50th Street and operates Monday
         as monthly coffee/breakfasts, afternoon   similar expenses. Other activities might   through Saturday 10-6 pm. Individuals
         socials, and possibly luncheons/dinners.   include an annual luncheon or dinner for   can schedule a pickup of large, donated
                                             the group to honor their member of the   goods by calling (806)763-4663.
         In addition to social activities, the   year.
         group will also provide opportunities                                    An application for the Golden Crew
         to volunteer. Habitat will have the   For those not familiar with Lubbock   will be developed after the leadership is
         Silver Hammers for those who want   Habitat for Humanity, the organization   recruited. Details will be posted on the
         to volunteer to do small construction   is a Christian-based, non-profit ministry   Lubbock Habitat website and Facebook.
         projects, such as repairs for existing   dedicated to the idea that all people   The goal is to launch the group with a
         Habitat homeowners and other        deserve a safe and decent place to live.   “meet and greet” event in the next few
         construction jobs. The Silver Hammers   Lubbock Habitat started in 1987 and   months. If you are interested in joining
         could also help customers in the Building   builds affordable homes engaging   the Golden Crew, please contact Christy
         Supplies section of the ReStore. Habitat   volunteers. Individuals qualify for the   Reeves at

                                               Golden Crew Group

                                                Silver Hammers and ReStore
                                                   Glamour Girls Needed!
             Launching soon:  A group of 65 and older to plug into Lubbock Habitat and offer their
             valuable skills, time, and talents while having fun and making new friends. In addition to
             social activities, the group will also have opportunities to volunteer. Opportunities include
             doing small construction projects such as repairs for existing Habitat homeowners and   More information available at
             other construction jobs. Also, help is needed in the ReStore to help customers as well help
             with answering the phone and other similar activities.

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