Page 57 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 57


                                                               She stays aware of what is going on and is not afraid to
                                                               get involved and recruit volunteers to help with the next
                                                               mission. Talk about passion: she has it, and she doesn’t take
                                                               no for an answer.
                                                               She is deeply respected by her friends and her family and
                                                               is the most loyal friend I have ever met. She ignores the
                                                               “ugly” in people and chooses to love them just like Jesus
                                                               has commanded us.
                                                               You will always know Gwen has arrived when you catch
                                                               a glimpse of turquoise. The stone finds its way into her
                                                               everyday apparel and makes a pop statement as she enters
                                                               any room. It is like the beautiful quality of humility which
                                                               is a singular trait in her personality—elegantly understated
                                                               but always evident. She gives God the glory for all she has
                                       Habitat plan the first   and is willing to share her everything to help others.”
                                       Veterans Build event
                                       and soon became         ~Barbara Gilley
                                       a regular at all our
                                       events; she is one of our   “Gwen is a woman of faithfulness (faith lived out). She has
                                       best volunteers. From   been a continual blessing of support through friendship,
                                       working registration    communication, and boldly connecting people to work
                                       tables, to attending    together for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. She is
                                       our gala, to recruiting   of the highest value to the body of Christ.”
                                       volunteers to build     ~Jarrod Dugger
                                       Habitat houses, Gwen
                                       is one of the most      “Gwen Morgan is an example to all how giving can help
                                       reliable and steadfast   the community grow.  Gwen looks for the gaps in the
                                       supporters our          community that can be filled, then works to fill them.  She
        organization has encountered over the years. Gwen Morgan   gives her time, talent, and many times, her own treasure to
        has a heart of gold and is a true servant to others. Lubbock   many causes. Gwen supports the growth of scholarships,
        Habitat is honored to know Gwen and call her a friend.”   grants, and endowments that will impact the future.
        ~Christy Reeves                                        CFWTX celebrates Gwen Morgan."
                                                               ~Community Foundation of West Texas
        “Gwen Morgan is a warrior for ‘the least of these’ in
        Lubbock. Her heart is seldom at rest as she constantly
        battles for good over evil to protect our children. And it
        doesn’t stop there; she also rescues pups and cats: not one
        in her neighborhood goes to bed hungry or feeling

        She delights in being a part of the Women’s Giving
        Circle because it focuses on helping women and
        children, giving them new hope to improve their
        lives. You can often see her in a T-shirt and jeans,
        feeding the homeless at St. Benedict’s. You look
        up, and she has made her way outside, striking up
        conversations with everyone. She knows most by
        name, making each one feel special.

        The next day, she is on the homesite for Habitat for
        Humanity with her shiny white pickup, helping
        deliver supplies. If you drive by, you might catch
        her with a paintbrush or a hammer in her hand.

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