Page 56 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 56



     Compassionate with a

     Little Bit of  Turquoise

          Gwen Morgan

              ots of folks around Lubbock are   Gwen was
              familiar with Gwen Morgan’s    given the
         Lfriendly face, but her effect on   nickname
         this community goes so much deeper   “Sunshine”
         than her smile. A few of her countless   by an elder
         friends volunteered observations    at church because
         about Gwen’s deep-rooted and        of her ever-present
         dynamic influence on Lubbock.       smile, but there is
                                             more to Gwen than her
         “Much of who you are in life is     positive outlook and
         established early. Gwen is the oldest   optimistic attitude. She
         of three girls who were born four   is always proactive in
         years apart—in Amarillo, Germany,   her willingness to serve
         and San Antonio because of the      others, and she has
         military deployment of their father.   tremendous love and
         Her father served this country in   respect for our country.
         Vietnam, and the family was stationed
         in many other interesting places,   Her grandparents
         including Turkey. His last deployment   instilled in her the
         was to Washington DC, where he      virtue of reaching out
         served at the Pentagon in the USAF   to the less fortunate.
         Chief of Staff's office.            She witnessed so many
                                             life lessons from her
         Despite having lived all over       grandmother, who
         the world, Gwen had a heart for     modeled care and
         West Texas because of her love for   compassion by starting
         her grandparents and the solid      a Montessori school                 Her connections and networking skills
         foundation laid for her here. With   (long before it was trendy), rescuing   are a great asset to our community.
         many opportunities to build a life in   and raising a child who was lost in the   She is a close friend and a sister, and
         other areas, she always desired the   foster system, and much more.     I am a better person because of her,
         community she remembered in West                                        and all who know her would echo that
         Texas, enough so that she turned    Gwen has a heart as big as Texas,   sentiment.”
         down a full basketball scholarship to   and if you were to hear her whole
         James Madison University. Her aunt   story, you would learn that every   ~Tiana Hayslip
         and uncle had both attended LCU     action, gift, and service she provides
         (Lubbock Christian College at the   is influenced by a story from her   “Lubbock Habitat was blessed the
         time), so Lubbock is where she chose   upbringing.                      day our organization connected with
         to make her home.                                                       Gwen Morgan. Gwen helped Lubbock

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