Page 55 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 55


        “As Lubbock Habitat for Humanity’s                                 “Sandra’s HOME Ministries vision is to
        part-time Homeowner Coordinator,                                   empower the East Lubbock Community
        Sandra Chatham has helped many                                     one household at a time. Filling in the
        individuals experience the dream                                   ‘gaps’ when a family is in need is her
        of home ownership. Sandra started                                  goal. Not only does she mentor through
        serving Lubbock Habitat many years                                 Lubbock Habitat for Humanity for
        ago as a volunteer and brought with                                prospective homeowners, but she also
        her an incredible group of ladies who                              mentors daily through HOME Ministries.
        help Lubbock Habitat with our builds
        and events. Sandra helps put together                              The Community Foundation of West
        workshops for individuals wanting to                               Texas Giving Circle is thrilled to have her
        become Lubbock Habitat homeowners                                  as a member. Because of her influence,
        and helps them in the program to                                   the Giving Circle voted to give funds to
        stay motivated and on track while doing their education   Ervin Elementary for new uniforms last year. HOME
        and construction hours. Sandra also does our home      Ministries also received funds through the Giving Circle
        dedication ceremonies and makes those occasions very   so they could partner with her in her vision of helping
        meaningful. Sandra is a force of nature and serves the   families in East Lubbock.
        East Lubbock community tirelessly all day, every day.   It is my privilege to call Sandra Chatham a personal
        With a wonderful sense of humor and boundless energy,   friend. It’s a joy to walk beside one who is so invested
        Sandra has made a tremendous difference to Lubbock     in the health and welfare of our community. Searching
        Habitat and the entire community.”                     near and far, one would not find another heart as big as
        ~Christy Reeves                                        ~Gwen Morgan

                                                  THE LAST HOOTENANNY!

                                                 If you grew up in the 1960s, then   been playing guitar and entertaining
                                                 you certainly have heard the word   most of his life. David is a graduate
                                                 “hootenanny” and have probably    of Lubbock High School and Texas
                                                 attended one as well. It is essentially   Tech, as are the other musicians who
                                                 one big sing along — with a group   will be joining him on stage — Eldon
                                                 of musicians leading the audience in   Reynolds, Maggie Durham and Kurt
                                                 singing songs from the folk and rock   Melle. They are calling themselves
                                                 & roll eras — songs such as “This   “The Old Folkies.”
                                                 Land Is Your Land,” “Michael Row
                                                 the Boat Ashore,” “All I Have to Do   All of the song lyrics will be
                                                 Is Dream,” “Country Roads,” Buddy   projected onto an overhead screen
                                                 Holly’s “Oh, Boy,” and “Where Have   making it easy for you to join in. The
                                                 All the Flowers Gone?”            Cactus Theater will be the perfect
                                                                                   intimate venue for this fun event.
                                                 This “Last Hootenanny” will be    Get your tickets now for “The Last
                                                 hosted by David Durham who has    Hootenanny” and get ready to sing!
                                                            All proceeds from the Hootenanny go to
                                                        Operation Pawprints, Mark Paden Relief Fund

                                                                        Cactus Theater

                     David Durham, LHS Class of 1965,      Tuesday, July 23rd at 7:00 Tickets $20
                               TTU Class of 1969

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