Page 14 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2025 - Online Magazine
P. 14
Cecil, driver for Wreaths Across America
the journey to deliver the precious
When Cecil was not behind the wheel
of a massive vehicle, he loved to play
his stand-up bass. Growing up with
the music of the Texas Panhandle, it
is no surprise that creating country/ First wedding for Cecil and Toza Second wedding for Cecil and Toza
western magic with a group of October 9, 1965 Jones January 29, 2017
friends has led to an enjoyable
avocation bringing pleasure to the
musician, to the group with whom he independent lady. Because the entire adept at Corn Hole competition and
plays, and to the fortunate folks who town (and surrounding farming area) still enjoys cooking and music. Toza
are lucky enough to enjoy the toe- were invited, Cecil and Toza carefully enjoys playing Bunco, participating
tapping tunes created by a talented prepared to host a one-of-a-kind in the Birthday Club, and has
group of entertainers. event. It proved to be a tremendous recently enrolled in a beginning
success as folks from far and near sign language class. She still meets
Music, cooking, and shared gathered to celebrate Betty Ruth’s 100 periodically with longtime friends
experiences with their son (and his years. In recent months, health issues such as the Maedgen Lunch Bunch
family) had kept Cecil and Toza in have led to relocating Betty Ruth and the B-Hive Group, composed
touch as they lived their separate Jones to an assisted living facility of retired LISD educators who once
lives; but about 2016, Toza and Cecil in Lubbock so that family members served as principals or content
began to remember the special spark can be mere blocks away should an coordinators.
that had brought them together 52 emergency arise.
years earlier. They remarried on Luc Besson once wrote, “It’s always
January 29, 2017, and found that But Betty Ruth Jones is not the the small people who change things.
life together (as they approached only one who has recently changed It’s never the politicians or the big
their 70s) is not only interesting and their address. Even before she was guys.” This has certainly been true
comfortable but also enriching and moved to Lubbock, Toza and Cecil of the petite young woman whose
rewarding. Their combined biological had begun to investigate life in the dancing brown eyes, amazing energy,
family now includes three adult Carillon Life Care Community. They unique creativity, and optimistic
children, nine grandchildren, and one became residents in the independent spirit have captivated children
precious great granddaughter. living sector of the facility and and adults alike as she impacted
have loved meeting new friends; their lives, futures, and treasured
In addition, there was an experiencing social and community memories. Dynamite does indeed
added dimension to the family activities; cooking (or not) according come in small packages. Toza has still
configuration. Toza also regained a to their choice; and enjoying the not yet reached five feet in stature,
relationship with her original mother- safety and security of their new but she continues to be a dynamic
in-law, Betty Ruth (Mullins) Jones. home. Freedom from yardwork and force for good as she and Cecil
Betty Ruth was still living alone in home repairs are also new-found live the life of an active, engaging
her hometown of Lockney, TX as advantages. The Joneses enjoy couple—and move toward their
she approached her 100 birthday. attending Texas Tech athletic events golden years together.
Cecil and Toza found themselves with the option of taking their vehicle
preparing for a community- or enjoying the luxury of Carillon
wide celebration on behalf of this transportation. Cecil has become
14 Lubbock Senior Link