Page 9 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2025 - Online Magazine
P. 9




                                                         All of us have special ones who have loved us into being. - Fred Rogers
                                                                                               by Reagan Doyal

                    randparents play a special   for this crucial milestone. One of   colors on the page can turn any
                    role in loving children   the most enjoyable and effective   book into a counting or seek-and-
             Ginto the amazing people         ways to do this is through reading   find book.
             they will become. Your love,     together. A quality storytime can
             tenderness, corny jokes, stories,   go beyond reading the words    After finishing the story, take
             and sense of fun are a key part of   on a page. It can foster early   a moment to reflect. Ask your
             what makes growing up special    math skills, cognitive thinking,   grandchild about their favorite
             for a child.                     language development, and         part, how certain events made
                                              social-emotional growth—all       them feel, or what they might
             One of the most pivotal moments   while creating special memories   have done differently. Encourage
             for a child is when they enter   with your grandchildren.          them to relate the story to their
             kindergarten. However, declining                                   own experiences or retell it in
             state scores and academic        Making Storytime Meaningful       their own words later. These
             pressures have pushed so         and Fun                           activities build comprehension
             much more curriculum into the                                      and confidence while making
             kindergarten classroom. This     Before reading a story, start by   storytime more interactive.
             has caused a new problem:        connecting the story to something
             When kids have to learn more     familiar to your grandchild.      The Grandparent Advantage
             in kindergarten, they have to be   Learning builds on connections,   Through thoughtful and engaging
             better prepared before they start.   so if they relate to the story, they’ll   storytimes, you help children
             The scary thing: our kids aren’t   understand and enjoy it more.   develop essential learning
             ready, they are falling behind, and   For example, if the story is about   skills that prepare them for
             it is causing problems that last   animals, you might mention a    kindergarten and beyond. Plus,
             through a child’s academic career.   recent trip to the zoo or a pet they
                                              love. These simple connections    these shared moments deepen
             In West Texas, the statistics are   help set the stage for deeper   your bond, creating memories
             troubling. Over half—54%—of      engagement.                       your grandchild will treasure
             children are not ready to start                                    forever.
             kindergarten (according to       As you read, you can have fun     For more tips on school readiness,
             TEA and Region 17 Data). Even    bringing the story to life. Point   pick up our framework cards
             among children who attend        out details in the illustrations and   at any Lubbock Public Library,
             PreK, one-third still aren’t     ask questions like, “What do you   and follow @ttupublicmedia on
             prepared for kindergarten. These   think will happen next?” React   Facebook and Instagram. You can
             numbers highlight the urgency    with surprise or excitement when   also explore the full kindergarten
             of addressing early childhood    something unexpected occurs. If   readiness framework in the
             readiness.                       a character shows a big emotion,
                                              ask how your grandchild thinks    PBS KIDS section of
             The wonderful news is that       the character feels before reading   Together, we can help children
             grandparents can play a vital    further. For younger children,    embark on their educational
             role in helping children prepare   counting objects or identifying   journey with confidence and joy!

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