Page 10 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2025 - Online Magazine
P. 10
Steve McMeans
Making an
Eternal Impact
by Nathan Layton
Indiana Avenue Baptist Church. instructions, and learn I did. I can
The pastor, whom we would come confidently say that the person I am
to know very well, greeted us today, and the person I will forever
with open arms, and we’ve been be, has been impacted greatly by
attending ever since. Although we Pastor Steve.
were always a church-going family,
it was not an important and integral Whenever my family experienced
part of my life until my eighth difficult times, Steve was always
grade year in 2020. It was then that there lifting us up, sending a kind
I found a close-knit group of guys text, a letter, or just dropping in
at church, began to attend more to check on us. He has truly been
regularly, and started listening more a blessing to me and my family
closely to the sermons! I realized and provided me with a great role
how blessed I was to have a mentor model.
hen I think of people who like Pastor Steve in my life. It was One thing that helps me relate
have made an impact on like a door was opened to me that more to Pastor Steve is that he was
Wmy life, I do not think had been previously closed. He was not always this great man. In fact,
of one-time occurrences. Rather, I a wonderful role model to look up and he would back me up on this,
think of people who have been in to, someone whom I could imitate he was quite the opposite. It was
my life for years, who have made a to become more like Christ. not until college that Steve came
continuous impact on me, through to Christ. From there, he pursued
the thick-and-thin that life has to I came to realize that I had been a career in ministry and has never
offer. One person who stands out taking this spiritual giant, a man looked back. But much like my
is the pastor at my church, Pastor who embodied every virtue own experience, he had a role
Steve McMeans, more informally important to me, for granted for model whom he could look up to
known as Pastor Steve. years. The only way to fix this, while growing up. That was Jesus
however, was to start being grateful.
In 2008, my family moved back to The first way I saw to show Christ, the pioneer and perfecter of
Lubbock from Hawaii, where my gratitude for my pastor was to our faith, who transformed Steve
dad was stationed in the Navy. actively listen and take notes, which McMeans from a lonely and lost
My parents began searching for he always said was a good idea to man, into the bold, strong, and kind
a church home, and we landed at reinforce learning. I followed his one whom I know today.
10 Lubbock Senior Link