Page 17 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2025 - Online Magazine
P. 17
CAREGIVERS Accolades for an
Kristina Lopez
by Michelle Eckert RN, BSN
Kristina was raised in Morton, TX knowing I have made them feel better
and, as a child, she wanted to be a with what I have done to help them. It
nurse. She was inspired by her mother can be the smallest thing like putting a
who is a nurse and was a role model sweater on them when they physically
in teaching her five children to be cannot do it alone. They appreciate
strong and independent. Kristina’s that so much. I know I have helped
mother instilled confidence in her and made a difference every day that I
Kristina Lopez children by teaching them lessons go visit my patients.”
about life and becoming comfortable
taking on new tasks. Those life lessons The team at Legacy of Love Hospice
are evident when Kristina talks has nothing but praise for Kristina and
ertified Nursing Assistants about the “patience, compassion, is not hesitant to share their feelings.
(CNAs) are some of the communication, listening, seeing, and Her fellow HCAs describe Kristina as
Cmost valuable professionals paying close attention to the needs of “caring, understanding, and patient.
within the medical community. You the patient”—all necessary attributes She loves what she does, and it shows.
can find them in hospitals, clinics, in a great CNA. Kristina regularly She is always willing to help, whether
skilled nursing homes, assisted living works alone while providing care to her patient load is five or twenty,
facilities, and even in private homes. her Hospice patients but knows, if she she will always be there!” Nursing
Their jobs are physically demanding; needs help, she can depend on her staff describe her as “friendly and
they often work long shifts on their team. professional” including a statement
feet helping patients with bathing, from Paige Rangel RNCM “I know if
dressing, walking, feeding, and When asked about safety, Kristina Kristina has any of my patients, I can
many other daily life tasks. CNAs stated, “I always have concerns about trust her completely to get them clean
accomplish all this while keeping the safety when with my patients, simply and comfortable in a dignified manner.
safety of their patients a top priority. because not every day is going to be She is always quick to notify me of any
The best CNAs are able to provide the same when it comes to hospice changes to help me better assess the
this type of very personal care with patients. There will always be good changing needs of our patients.”
compassion, empathy, and dignity days and bad days.” Kristina earns
for the patients they serve. They often her patients’ trust and develops CNAs may not get a lot of recognition,
spend more time with patients than relationships with her patients and but they are valuable members of the
even the doctors or nurses. They report families through communication medical community.
changes they have observed in patient and patience.
conditions, leading to interventions for The patient
better outcomes. may be the
sweetest person Compassionate Care
Kristina Lopez is a CNA or Hospice or the most
Care Aid (HCA) for Legacy of Love challenging, Lasting Legacy
Hospice and is an expert in her field. but she treats
She is the best example of a capable each one with
and competent aid and models the respect and We provide personalized, high-quality
high standards can achieve within kindness. When hospice care tailored to each patient’s
their organization. Kristina has been asked about unique needs, ensuring dignity and
a CNA for 28 years and has provided working with respect throughout their journey
loving care to her patients for the last hospice patients
18 years with the same company. In specifically,
a brief interview Kristina share some she explained (806) 370-2100
of her story and what she feels are that one of her
important aspects of her profession. rewards is “just
Lubbock Senior Link 17