Page 16 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2025 - Online Magazine
P. 16


                                    LIVING YOUR BEST

                                         RETIREMENT LIFE

                                                                                 by Barbara Jensen

                                                                                 when you or your spouse go to
                                                                                 another level of care, the only
                                                                                 difference in monthly price for the
                                                                                 two of you is for the extra meals for
                                                                                 one person.

                                                                                 Look for a community where a
                                                                                 percentage (about 40%) of monthly
                                                                                 fees paid is considered a tax credit
                                                                                 (or deduction) for medical expenses
                                                                                 during the past year, whether you
                                                                                 actually had them or not. Also,
                                                                                 check whether the CCRC is For
                                                                                 Profit or Not for Profit. You’ll want a
                hink you’re “not ready”       Memory Care, and Skilled Nursing,   place where you are more important
                for true retirement living?   all in the same or an adjacent     than a shareholder. And last, walk
          TThink again! Maybe your            building so that if one of you needs   down the halls in Assisted Living
          grandparents were placed in an      extra care, you’re still close. If you   and Skilled Nursing to assess the
          “old folks’ home,” but today’s      want to travel, the CCRC can watch   quality of care.
          Continuing Care Retirement          your house, water your plants, and
          Community (CCRC) is nothing like    mow your lawn.                     If you are ready to let go of
          that.                                                                  grocery shopping, fixing meals,
                                              If this sounds appealing, look     and climbing on the roof to put up
          CCRCs are springing up              into the difference between the    Christmas lights; if you are ready
          nationwide, offering independent    monthly fee for Independent Living   to downsize your collection of
          living with activities and          versus Assisted or other levels of   knickknacks; if you are ready to
          entertainment—like exercise groups,   care. In Texas, the law says that   write a new chapter in the book of
          dancing, excellent dining, trips to   communities or “homes” for seniors   your life; maybe it is time to make
          football games, the symphony, or    must provide three meals per day.   sure it as worry-free as possible. It’s
          even the beach, all in an atmosphere   In many CCRCs, the cost difference   better to be in a wonderful CCRC
          of fun and friendship. It’s like being   between Independent Living and   five years too soon, ensuring your
          on a cruise ship but with a nicer   any other level of care is only the   medical future, than a day too late.
          stateroom! You can keep your car,   additional cost for meals. Per month
          your friends, and your church.      fees of private pay for Assisted   So, check it out--visit the places
          The only thing you give up is the   Living right now (December 2024)   you’ve heard about, meet the staff
          hassle of maintaining your own      are about $6,000, and for Skilled   and residents, look them over, sniff
          residence—things like mowing the    Nursing about $8,000 or higher. In   around, and find the best place to
          yard, fixing the roof, and property   some retirement homes, that is in   live the rest of your very best life.
          taxes. Some CCRCs also offer        addition to the monthly residential
          Assisted Living, Rehabilitation,    fee. Look for a community where,

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