Page 18 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2025 - Online Magazine
P. 18


                                                 Cindy Cruce, "G"

                                                 The Heart of Christ the King

                                                 by Analisa DeLuna

                                           recommended her for the role         and her oldest grandson, Tyler,
                                           of the school’s science teacher,     reached school age, she knew exactly
                                           and, though Mrs. Cruce wasn’t        where she wanted him to begin his
                                           Catholic, she accepted the           education: the same halls where her
                                           position. Her early teaching years   teaching career began.
                                           were marked by hard work and
            or as long as I’ve been at Christ   a commitment to her students,   Since then, CTK has become a
            the King—since PreK-3—Mrs.     including the opportunity to teach   lasting home for her family. Five of
       FCindy Cruce has been more          Dr. Behal’s children. Over time,     her grandchildren have attended
       than just a teacher; she’s been a   a close friendship developed         the school, with her first great-
       source of warmth, guidance, and     between Mrs. Cruce, her husband,     grandchild, Manny, now enrolled
       unshakable support.                 and the Behal family, further        in PreK-3. Of her grandchildren,
                                           deepening her bond with the CTK      Tyler and Brooklyn have graduated,
       Known affectionately as “G,”        community.                           Samuel is currently a senior, and
       short for “Grandma,” she’s earned                                        Elizabeth is a freshman.
       the nickname because, to us         From that pivotal start, Mrs. Cruce’s
       students, she feels like everyone’s   passion for teaching flourished.   Out of all the students Mrs. Cruce
       grandmother. Whether it’s offering   Though her husband’s career         has taught, my class—the Class of
       a kind word, sharing a quick        temporarily took their family away   2025—holds a special place in her
       laugh, or simply being there when   from Lubbock, her heart remained     heart. Having watched us grow
       you need her most, Mrs. Cruce       tied to CTK. When they returned,     from energetic elementary students
       embodies what it means to be
       the heart of a school community.
       Her steadfast love for teaching    This photo features Mrs. Cruce with some of her family. L to R: Mrs. Cindy Cruce, granddaughter Brooklyn,
       and her unique ability to connect   grandson and CTK senior Samuel Cruce-Haag, grandson and CTK alumnus Tyler Cruce, granddaughter and
                                          CTK freshman Elizabeth, daughter and CTK Cheer Coach/Booster Club President Ann Cruce-Haag, son-in-
       with students have made her a      law Jeff Haag, daughter Martha Cruce, and great-grandson and CTK PK student Manny.
       cherished part of our CTK family.

       Mrs. Cruce’s journey to Christ
       the King is as inspiring as it is
       unexpected. In the mid-1970s,
       her husband, John, was a student
       at Texas Tech Medical School,
       and Mrs. Cruce’s paycheck was
       the family’s only income. While
       working as a substitute teacher,
       she caught the attention of Dr.
       Behal, one of her husband’s
       professors and a member of
       the CTK school board. He

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