Page 13 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2025 - Online Magazine
P. 13


        Program, which allowed her to       students, faculties, and parents     was “to get the families back into
        train K-6 teachers in techniques to   with a significant emphasis on     society better equipped because of
        improve the students’ writing skills.   children’s literacy. During that time,   the knowledge and encouragement
        Her leadership and organizational   she implemented programs such as     gained.” Toza describes the unique
        skills were recognized, and Toza    Early Literacy, Reading Recovery,    blessing she received each December
        was selected to be the principal at   and the Accelerated Reader         as she watched homeless children
        Maedgen Elementary, a position      Program. She wrote and received      open gifts on Christmas morning
        she would hold for nine years       grant funding for the Literacy       while their families experienced
        (1993-2002). It has been said that “A   Library and ensured training for the   a memorable event marking that
        principal has the power to motivate,   Early Literacy Program. When she   special day. The Family Promise
        inspire, and transform their staff   retired from public education, the   Program has maintained a positive
        and students through the course of   Maedgen faculty and staff dedicated   success rate in the Lubbock
        a day, a week, or an entire school   a “Reading Nook” in her name so     community.
        year.” When Toza served as teacher   that students would continue to
        at Williams, she had heard principal   nurture their lifelong love of reading   While Toza was involved with
        Carroll Lockett include these words   as they remembered their valued    public education and community
        each day, “Everyone you meet        former principal.                    involvement, Cecil was living a life
        today is going to love you!” When                                        of service through his vocation and
        Toza became Maedgen’s principal,    Upon her departure from public       his music. He faithfully served for
        she included these words in her     education, Toza was invited to       37 years in transportation for the
        morning announcements—and then      become an administrator for her      Walmart Corporation—serving
        worked to create an environment     place of worship, Raintree Christian   a territory which included New
        where students would truly be loved.   Church. The next 18 years were    Mexico, California, Oklahoma, and
                                            again active ones as she served the   Louisiana. He may have been born
        Like many school leaders, Toza      needs of a thriving church body—     in Sherman, TX, but he had multiple
        often found herself praying for her   and responded to the needs of the   opportunities to view a large part of
        students, faculty, and staff as she   people and the programs within     our beloved Southwest.
        drove to school early each weekday   that body of believers. In that role,
        morning. There was one specific     she assisted with a program which    One of Cecil’s most meaningful
        point in her route where her vehicle   provided a “hands up” for homeless   memories involves his selection
        topped an overpass, and the view    adults and children. Family Promise   to transport Christmas wreaths
        revealed a glorious sunrise—as      provided meals, gifts, and special   which would mark the graves of
        if foreshadowing the answer to      events, as well as a safe place to   fallen soldiers resting in Arlington’s
        her prayers. Toza later shared this   stay temporarily while working on   National Cemetery. With over
        experience with a talented Tulia    realistic plans for their future. The   2,700 participating locations,
        artist who transformed “words       goal of the Family Promise Program   transportation logistics were
        into art.” He                                                                          immense, and Cecil
        presented Toza                                                                         was honored each
        with a beautiful                                                                       time he was selected
        painting                                                                               to transport the
        depicting the                                                                          special wreaths. The
        selfless morning                                                                       “Wreaths Across
        petitions she                                                                          America” mission
        daily offered                                                                          is “to remember,
        on behalf                                                                              honor, and teach”
        of students                                                                            about those who
        and adults at                                                                          have given their
        Maedgen. That                                                                          lives for our country.
        painting hangs in                                                                      Each December, the
        the Jones home                                                                         wreaths are created
        today.                                                                                 of fresh balsam and
                                                                                               fir and transported
        Throughout her                                                                         by carefully selected
        30 years as a                                                                          professional drivers
        Texas educator,                                                                        who complete
        Toza served                                                                            individual legs of

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