Page 12 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2025 - Online Magazine
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      The Unlikely Story                                              of  an      AMAZING

         Texas Educator                                                Toza Jones

                                                                                               by June Hogue
                                All big things come from small beginnings. -James Clear

                                              Estes, a young couple living in     and graduation celebrations of
                                              Beaumont, where Toza’s father       their son, grandchildren, and great
                                              worked as a welder in the shipping   grandchild.)
                                              industry. But Toza enjoyed the
                                              privilege of two parents for only   Toza’s dream was to become a
                                              a short number of months. Her       teacher, and her determination
                                              mother would be taken from this     exhibited the spirit which Wilma
                                              life—due to a medical misdiagnosis   Rudolph once voiced, “Never
                 Toza, shown in her office at Raintree
                 Christian Church             leading to her death on January     underestimate the power of dreams
                                              7, 1951. Two-year-old Toza and      and the influence of the human
               his story begins with a small,   her father moved to live with     spirit. We are all the same in this
                                                                                  notion: The potential for greatness
               soft-spoken Texas child who    her grandparents in Memphis,        lives within each of us.” Toza
         Twould, against all odds, grow       TX, until her father remarried.     had that spirit. She completed a
         to master challenging goals and      From there, her journey took her    bachelor’s degree at West Texas
         touch the lives of people across a   to Clarendon, Tulia, and Canyon     State University and later earned a
         variety of educational and economic   before making Lubbock her home.    master’s degree and administrative
         backgrounds. Few people have         Toza’s resilient spirit, bright smile,   certification through Texas Tech
         survived the death of a parent       friendly personality, and flexibility   University. Toza began teaching
         before their third birthday; married   in adapting to new situations served   in Lubbock ISD at Wheatley
         the same man twice; attained         her well as she moved through       Elementary in 1972 where she
         multiple university degrees; worked   differing communities, a variety of   taught third, fourth, and fifth grade
         30 years in public education; served   homes, and new roles—gaining new   students. In 1975, she was assigned
         more than a decade as a church       friendships along the way.          to the new Nat Williams Elementary
         administrator; touched the lives     It was in Clarendon that she        campus. Brad Henry once wrote, “A
         of children, parents, faculty, and   met her high school sweetheart      good teacher can inspire hope, ignite
         staff; and assisted an organization   Cecil Gene Jones, the only son of   the imagination, and instill a love of
         dedicated to the service of homeless   a ranching family who owned       learning.” Toza excelled in making
         adults and children. It has been     property adjacent to the famous     such things happen.
         said that “Dynamite comes in small   JA Ranch in the Panhandle. They
         packages.” Standing less than five   were married on October 9, 1965.    Because of her successes in the
         feet tall as an adult, this individual   To this union, one son (Bryant   classroom, Toza was asked to
         has been an example of hard work,    Alan Jones) was born. (At a later   become an LISD Demonstration
         focused goals, and the desire to     point in their life, Toza and Cecil   Teacher working with new or
         impact others in positive and        decided to pursue different paths;   struggling educators in 1979. Later,
         powerful ways.                       but throughout the 52 years that    she was selected as a Reading/
         Toza Estes was the tiny, first-born   followed, Toza and Cecil maintained   Language Arts Coordinator for
                                                                                  the district. During those six years,
         daughter and only child of Silas     a friendly relationship as they     she also coordinated the WRITE
         Bailey and Mary Eula (Prudhomme)     attended the birthday, wedding,

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