Page 74 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
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SENIOR RESOURCES                                                        SENIOR RESOURCES


          As temperatures rise, Reliant offers tools and information to
          save enerGy anD money

          by Anna Delano, Lubbock Regional Manager, Reliant

                 lthough Texas summer        and track their positive solar impact   Customers can also schedule EV
                 heat is inevitable, higher   in the Reliant app.                 charging, monitor solar production
         Aelectricity usage is                                                    and more.
         manageable with the right tools     Tools to Manage and Optimize
         and information. Reliant is helping   Energy Use                         • Tips and Insights—found on the
         neighbors stay safe, conserve energy,   With triple-digit temperatures   Reliant website, for summer-specific
         and save money. After an especially   on the horizon, it’s important to   advice on using energy efficiently
         hot summer last year, Reliant wants   stay in control of electricity use.   and saving money. Reliant customers
         to empower and inform customers     Reliant empowers customers with      can also sign up for account
         as they prepare for this summer’s   information about their usage and    notifications. Reliant also busts
         rising temperatures. By powering    how to manage it. Reliant offers the   common myths (Turning off your
         Lubbock with flexible, personalized   following tools to help customers   AC entirely when you leave actually
         electricity plans, money-saving tools,   save during those high-usage    causes it to work harder later!) and
         and award-winning customer service,   summer months:                     explains how to understand your
         Reliant is helping Lubbockites beat                                      electricity bill.
         the heat this summer.               • Degrees of Difference—a free
                                             program that rewards customers       With a Texas-sized commitment to
         Free Electricity Days Every Week    for conserving energy during high    serving customers and supporting
         One of Reliant’s electricity plans   energy demand times and adjusting   communities, Reliant is offering
         for Lubbock residential customers   thermostats by no more than four     electricity plans that meet the needs
         is Reliant Flextra Credits. With    degrees. The program is compatible   of customers’ unique lifestyles and
         this 24-month plan, customers       with both smart and manual           budgets, so they can live comfortably.
         automatically enjoy free electricity on   thermostats.                   Anyone who needs help paying their
         their two highest-use days each week,                                    electricity bill this summer can call
         for up to eight days of free electricity   • Reliant Referral Program—which   2-1-1 or visit Reliant
         per month. The plan also includes   results in a $50 bill credit each for   customers concerned about summer
         $200 in bill credits for customers to   both customers and their friends or   bills or those shopping for a new
         use when they like, providing relief   family members who sign up with   electricity plan are encouraged to
         in the summer for customers who     Reliant. There is no limit to how    contact us 24/7 through a number
         need it. Flextra Credits includes   many rewards customers can earn for   of convenient ways, including at
         100% solar electricity (no panels   referrals.                           1-866-222-7100, via online chat, or
         required). The plan adapts to each                                       on the Reliant app for personalized
         customer’s lifestyle, without the need   • Reliant App—which customers   assistance. For more information,
         to plan their usage or adjust habits.   can use to track and manage their   visit tips.
         Customers can easily monitor their   usage by taking proactive measures
         free electricity, redeem bill credits,   to reduce, conserve, and save.

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