Page 79 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 79


                                            successful tour business and talked   travel opportunities. Because of the
                                            about expanding it to their other    immense time spent on the sale and
                                            locations. By January of 2024 an     transition, we will not be mailing
                                            agreement was reached that allows    our annual tour brochure. We also
                                            our business to continue operations   recognize social media and websites
                                            under a DBA (Doing Business As),     are the newer way to reach more
                                            King’s Highway Tours. Holiday        people with our news. So, you can
                                            Motor Coach out of Idaho Falls,      find all confirmed tours on our
                                            ID is taking over King’s Highway     website www.travelkingshighway.
                                            Charters and has started replacing   com now on the “Upcoming Tours”
                                            our equipment with new equipment,    page. Each trip has the information
                                            retaining me and Tom and our         you need: cost, description, and
          King's Highway office staff from 25th   employees, and creating more job   dates. But if you still have questions,
          Anniversary Celebration
                                            opportunities for our drivers. Their   please call the office (806-863-3867),
                                            offer continues what we built,       and any one of us would be glad to
        King’s Highway. They had been
        watching our business since that    expands it, and creates a new path   help you. We have not confirmed
        interview and were interested in    to “Shine the Light.”                any day trips yet, but we are
        expanding across the southwest      Those who are interested in our      working on some for this fall. Thank
        United States. The owners           tours can be assured nothing is      you for your patience as we navigate
        recognized what a top-quality       changing, and those who are current   this transition!
        office and shop crew we employed    customers, THANK YOU! We will
        and wanted to retain them. These    continue to serve you as in the
        brothers (owners) also noted our    past, with more new and exciting

                Tom Walters Inc.
                                                        Contact us for information on our day
                6610 Winfield Ave
                                                            trips and tours or check out our
                Lubbock, TX  79407
                                                                   Like us on Facebook
                1-888-420-3188 fax             

                1-888-332-4315 toll

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