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Q&A with Catherine Ariale as Lady, Morgan Scott as Star, and Ella Perez as Babe in The Cher
Show. Photo by Meredith Mashburn Photography.
Catherine Ariale (Lady)
Lorenzo Pugliese as Sonny, Catherine Ariale as Lady, and the cast
of The Cher Show. Photo by Meredith Mashburn Photography.
>> How did you get started in your a show called Sewing the Dream and most we’re here just to have a good time and
acting/performing career? recently worked on another new musical not take ourselves too seriously. It’s a
called The Waiting. beautiful and smart juxtaposition.
I grew up listening to musicals around
my house. My mom played the Hairspray, >> What has been your favorite part >> What’s your favorite song from the
Wicked, and Les Misérables CDs in the about being in The Cher Show? show and why?
car, so I’ve loved the genre from an early
beginning, but I never seriously thought I think taking on Cher’s essence has So hard to pick – Cher has really had
about pursuing a career in it until high given me some more confidence to take some bops over the years! I think my
school. My theater teacher pulled me up space in my day-to-day life. It has favorite song is “Song for the Lonely.”
aside one day and told me I was good been a gift to play someone with so much It is the last song in the first act and
enough to do this as a living, and my agency—I’m learning a lot from her comes at a point in the story where
mind was truly blown. My plan was to story. Also … I can’t deny how much fun my character, Lady, is at a decision
become a teacher! Once I heard him say it is to wear these costumes! crossroad. She is faced with the choice
those words and give me that confidence, >> What is the most rewarding part of of leaving Sonny, and her younger and
I was all in. I got into Pace University’s being an actor/performer? older versions of herself come together
BFA Musical Theatre program and did and all three sing to one another and
my training there. The rest is history! Getting to tell someone’s story—as bring some comfort and uplifting energy.
It always gives me chills and makes me
simple and maybe gushy as it sounds, I
>> What inspired you to pursue your feel such a privilege to be trusted to tell a feel so empowered!
particular role in this show?
story of a real human being who has had >> Why should people see The Cher
I was drawn to the character Lady aspirations and fears, loves and losses. Show?
because she has such an expansive arc Going to the theater my whole life has
in her relationship with Sonny, and a always brought me so much joy, tears, You will have an incredible night at the
beautiful personal growth that follows. I laughter, and love, and the chance to give theater! The costumes, the nostalgia,
loved the appeal of her strong confidence that to someone else in the audience is the humor, and the music are all so
and charisma when she and Sonny are always something I will cherish. unforgettable—it makes for a perfect
at their prime, but she quickly becomes >> What is it about The Cher Show that evening. You will learn a few things,
overworked, and you start to see the separates it from other productions? want to stand up and dance, laugh a lot,
tension rise in their relationship. There and may even shed a tear!
are a lot of tough choices to be made I think The Cher Show is special in the
during this part of Cher’s life, and it was sense that it has a lot of heart and truth,
a storyline I was drawn to. but it doesn’t take itself too seriously.
Especially for a jukebox musical, it’s
>> What other productions have you quite grounded in the storytelling of
participated in before The Cher Show? Cher’s career, which really deserves to
Previous productions include Sunday be told, but it also has so much of a voice
in the Park with George (Ivonne) and that really sounds like hers. You can
Memphis (Gladys); I participated in a cry one minute, but then the three witty
new musical festival at Theatre Row with Chers remind you a minute later that
76 Lubbock Senior Link