Page 78 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 78



       The Light

           by Vickie Walters

            n 1997, King’s Highway Charters   one Sunday morning. The minister    astronomically. Even though we
            and Tours was born after God      read a scripture about Moses        thrived again after the pandemic,
         Itransformed our lives from one      requesting permission to travel     the thought of investing several
         stage to another. It seemed like “the   the King’s highway to lead the   million dollars into a business that
         end of the world” for Tom when his   Israelites out of Egypt. Tom wanted   came close to folding was scary. We
         employer (Nabisco) implemented       a name that would glorify God in    turned to God to continue King’s
         a corporate downsizing and           his travels, and King’s Highway     Highway’s light and serve the
         terminated the jobs of all employees   was perfect! By 2022 (25 years later),   community (I Corinthians 10:31),
         of over 15 years. But a window       Tom’s small dream flourished to     even if it meant a new path. We felt
         opened, illuminating a new           14 buses, traveling all over North   our mission was not over.
         opportunity.                         America.
                                                                                  God places people in our lives who
         Tom had had a small dream of         Flash back to 2018, a company       help make dreams come true. In
         someday purchasing a bus to drive    approached us about selling our     2022, during the NCAA’s “March
         senior citizen tours and church      business. It was the first time we had   Madness” tournament, CBS Sports
         youth groups. He already drove       thought about selling or retiring.   approached Tom to interview him
         buses periodically for Lubbock       Tom and I prayed about it and       about driving sports teams, and
         Christian University ski trips and   decided it was not meant to be. Since   more specifically at the time, the
         found it fun. God made that dream    that time, several other companies   Texas Tech men’s basketball team.
         happen just days after Tom’s layoff,   have approached us, but they      The interview aired during halftime
         much sooner than he planned. He      were not interested in keeping our   of a men’s Elite Eight game; a large
         loved his job and had not planned    employees, which was important to   audience across the United States
         to retire for another 15-20 years.   us.                                 viewed it. Fast forward to the end
         But God knew his heart and his                                           of 2023, when owners of a bus
         determination.                       The pandemic of 2020 wreaked        company, who had seen Tom’s
                                              havoc on the whole transportation   interview back in March of 2022,
         The idea for the name of his motor   industry. Afterwards, the cost for   approached him about purchasing
         coach business occurred in church    new buses and insurance increased

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