Page 53 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 53


          a manila envelope, one set stapled   institutions have an incentive   Texas Estates Code usually has
          to give away as needed, and one    to scrutinize powers of attorney   sufficient provisions to deal with
          set paper-clipped so that the client   carefully due to the risk of fraud   unavailable named executors
          can easily make more copies.       or misbehaving agents, and they    or deceased beneficiaries.
          Finally, I keep electronic copies for  might more readily accept them   Nevertheless, it may be convenient
          backup and convenient reference.   if presented by the client ahead of   to redo a will for those and other
                                             urgent need. Even so, the client   reasons. Similarly, medical powers
          As for distributing copies, I first   should keep in mind that they   of attorney and HIPAA Releases
          advise my clients that these       must notify anyone in possession   can be updated from time to
          documents have not been chiseled   of a revoked power of attorney.    time if enough names, addresses,
          into stone and that, from time to                                     and phone numbers change, but
          time, they might want to make      As a practical matter, the three   because of the greater scrutiny
          changes, in which case, they may   medical documents mentioned        applied to financial powers of
          need to provide updated copies to   in the first paragraph typically   attorney, executing a new one
          anyone who has an old version.     do not undergo the same level of   every five years or so will reduce
                                             scrutiny. I believe that the care   the chances that an institution will
          Wills generally should not be      giver or provider examining one    reject it just for being a little stale.
          widely distributed because a copy   of these documents generally is   All that said, powers of attorney
          of a will can be probated. While   looking for a reason to act on it   should name one if not two
          that may work when the original    and not to reject it. Again, I think   alternate agents, and if there are
          simply has been lost, there is a   that anyone named should have a    no remaining alternates, it should
          presumption that the testator      copy, but beyond that, it would be   be a high priority to execute a new
          revoked it, and indeed a more      appropriate to share with primary   one.
          recent valid will could be withheld  care physicians,
          by someone happier with the old    specialists, home
          one. Certainly, named executors    health agents, and so
          should know where the will is      forth. Most hospitals
          kept even if they do not have a    provide ways for
          copy themselves.                   patients to have these
                                             documents included in
          The other documents are            medical charts, making
          useful during life, not just       them available in any
          for emergencies, but also for      facility operated by
          convenience, and it is not         the hospital or hospital
          convenient if no one has a copy.   group.
          Generally, I suggest clients give
          a copy to anyone named in a        Finally, none of these
          document. Further, I advise my     documents require
          clients to consider giving copies of   updating due merely
          their financial powers of attorney   to age. However, there
          to their banks, financial advisors,   is something to be
          brokers, pension administrators,   said for usefulness
          and such. My older clients I       and convenience. As
          may advise to give copies to       long as a testator’s
          life insurance companies where     distribution scheme
          they have policies. Financial      remains the same, the

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