Page 51 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 51


        such moments, yet it's interesting   worker, or part of the administrative   the blessing of life all the way to the
        how quickly we let it slip away and   staff, everyone is dedicated to making   finish line and beyond!
        return to our old habits. Maybe it’s   a difference in the lives of others. I've
        just our human nature? It's amazing   seen firsthand the lengths this team
        how forgetting can sometimes offer   will go to ensure our patients and their
        us unrealistic ways to deal with the   families are well looked after. I feel   We Honor Veterans is a
        challenges that life presents. That's   that we each have a spiritual guardian   program of Hospice of Lubbock
        why it's important to give ourselves   watching over us, and I am grateful to   that provides food, hygiene and
        the freedom to grieve at our own    have my great-grandmother Ramona          paper good items to Veterans.
        speed. Trying to move on too fast or   as mine. She constantly motivates      Veterans do not have to be on
        hurry the healing process is neither   me to extend compassion to those       hospice for this assistance. If
        realistic nor practical. Through    in need and reminds me that life is       you are a Veteran or know of
        my own experiences, I've come to    an extraordinary journey. Above all,      a Veteran in need, please call
        understand that grieving doesn't    she stresses to me the importance of      Hospice of Lubbock at
        follow a straight timeline.         recognizing that death is a shared        806-795- 2751. If you are
                                            experience and that there is a wealth     interested in supporting
        I've just started my career at Hospice   of wisdom to be gained from those    the veteran food pantry,
        of Lubbock, and I couldn't be more   who have passed on. It is crucial to     donations are greatly needed
        thankful. The team I work with is   listen attentively and pay attention to   and appreciated and may be
        exceptional, each caregiver with their   the messages offered by those who    dropped off at  Hospice of
        own unique story and motivation for   are transitioning (even those messages   Lubbock, 3702 21st Street.
        being here. Whether a nurse, social   which are unspoken). Let's rejoice in

                                            The Region’s ONLY Pediatric & Adult Hospice
                                             806-795-2751 or 800-658-2648

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