Page 50 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 50



          ON LIFE


          byJohn Castro

                s we navigate through the    loving environment
                journey of life, we come     during one's final
         Aacross many experiences            journey in life.
         that mold us into the individuals we
         are today. Every lesson we learn,   Losing a friend or
         regardless of its significance, plays   family member is
         a considerable role in our personal   never an easy thing
         growth and development.  Death, in   to do. Sometimes,                   I have gained valuable insight
         particular, has taught me valuable   we are surprised by their passing,   from the experiences of death. It
         lessons.                            and sometimes, we are aware that     has reinforced the importance of
                                             their presence is drawing to a close.   being true to myself and being more
         My great-grandmother Ramona had     No matter what the situation, saying   attentive in the moment. Life is full
         a unique ability to lift my spirits   good-bye to someone we love is one   of uncertainties, so take that leap of
         whenever I was feeling down. She    of the most difficult and life-changing   faith and embark on a new career or
         would always reassure me that       things in life. In the Mexican culture,   take that trip that you have always
         our difficult moments were only     death is not a mere farewell, but    dreamed of; don’t assume you will
         temporary and would eventually      rather a heartfelt "see you later." It is   have tomorrow, so don’t waste today.
         fade away. I was even more drawn    a beautiful belief that embraces death   Research shows that individuals who
         to that message during the summer   as an integral part of life, allowing   focus on finding happiness in the
         of 2005 when she passed away on     us to reconnect with our departed    present tend to be happier compared
         a warm July day while being cared   loved ones once a year during the    to those who constantly think about
         for in hospice. Apart from my own   celebration of Día de los Muertos.   the past or future. Focusing on what
         family, I had never seen anyone else   If you are unfamiliar with this   is happening right now can help
         care for my great-grandmother with   tradition, I recommend you watch    us find balance and joy. Life can be
         such tenderness and love. As she    Pixar’s Coco. This movie introduces   challenging at times, but there are
         peacefully crossed over, her hospice   you to a culture that has a healthy   ways to make it more fulfilling.
         nurse gracefully took charge of     relationship with mortality. Death is
         that emotional time and made it so   a deep and holy experience. When    It's fascinating how the significance
         serene. What I took away from my    my loved ones die, I know they will   of life becomes more profoundly
         great-grandmother's passing was the   never truly be gone because our    important when one faces death.
         importance of creating a peaceful and   connection will never be broken.   We tend to alter our behavior in

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