Page 65 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 65

OPPORTUNITY                           OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE
                                                     TO Serve

         Urban Rhythm Youth Center

         & Empowerment


                rban Rhythm Youth Center and Empowerment
                Programs, founded by Shannon and Lindsay
         UShores, impact 700-1000 youth on a monthly basis
         in Botswana, Africa. Lex Mallege is just one example of a
         life profoundly impacted. In a third world nation—where   You can give at
         20% have HIV/AIDS, minimum wage is $140 a month,      RhythmofLifeInternational. Urban Rhythm has been
         over 83% of families are led by single moms, and there are   granted land to build a new facility to provide more
         many orphans and vulnerable children—hope is needed.   help and hope! They are also looking to plant new youth
         Urban Rhythm helps provide that hope. The youth center   centers throughout the country and are praying for more
         provides a safe, fun atmosphere that young people are   generous partners to help!
         drawn to, with programs that mentor youth to make wise
         life decisions that change the trajectory of their lives as
         they experience the love of God.

         The Chosen Champions Program was birthed after the
         number of street kids multiplied drastically following
         COVID. The Champs are fed two to three meals daily,
         tutored, taught life skills, and discipled. Many kids who
         used to run the streets, addicted to drugs and digging in
         trash cans, have been able to go back to school and are
         thriving.                                                            WITH SINCLAIR,

         House of Hope is a residence that provides a safe haven
         for ladies who would otherwise be in situations of abuse    Comf t Is Always There
         or neglect. Ladies receive discipleship, skills training, and
         assistance to continue school or pursue work. It is also a
         gathering place for women who aren’t residents to receive   Our desire is to be the very best heating, air conditioning,
                                                                       plumbing or mechanical contractor possible, and to
         the same opportunities.                                        achieve this goal we will treat our customers with
                                                                         honesty, respect and a sincere desire to serve.
         The Shores family lived in Botswana for 11 years but        Following Christ's example, we believe that by dedication
         relocated to Lubbock in 2022 with their five kids, two of       of our life's work to the service of others, we are
         whom are adopted. Local leaders have been empowered                    ultimately serving our Savior.
         to run the ministry daily. The Shores are in the USA ten
         months a year, trying to raise awareness and partnership
         and invite people to come on life-changing trips they lead
         each summer to Botswana.

         Find out more at www.urbanrhythmyet.
         com, theshoresofbotswana on Facebook, or                         806-749-COOL(2665)

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