Page 61 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 61


                                              classes. This not only offers options   align with the interests and needs
                                              to some of our less mobile members   of our members. We also encourage
                                              but also provides an opportunity    our members to submit course ideas
                                              to attend classes from our          throughout the year.
                                              Fredericksburg, Highland Lakes,
                                              and Abilene locations as well. While  “OLLI at TTU is a great community
                                              many of our courses are taught by   resource that helps to satisfy my
                                              current or retired professors, many   natural desire to explore, learn
                                              instructors are local professionals   and grow. OLLI provides an
                                              looking to share their expertise with  opportunity for me to improve
                                              an engaged audience.                my quality of life in retirement by
          technology, and much more.
          All classes have an in-person                                           engaging with like-minded peers
          component, but with the pandemic,   We operate with an advisory board   who enjoy learning for the fun of it
          we learned we must be flexible and   or council whose purpose is to     because curiosity never retires.” –
          integrated an online option to most   ensure OLLI stays on mission and   Diana Melcher, OLLI Member
                                              presents high quality courses that

             To learn more about OLLI, you can visit our website at, call us at
             (806) 742-6554, or email us at You also can come by the office to grab
             one of our catalogs to see what courses are being offered in the current semester.
             “You’ll see that life is a ball again, laughter is calling for you…”

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