Page 63 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 63


             died before I was born, and now, at   family at the funeral, she took me   I was asked to write an article on
             age 13, my mother was gone, too.   in as her son and also took in my   someone who has impacted me
             I cried, wept, and screamed out of   two cousins. It was a huge sacrifice   at Trinity, and I chose Lindsay
             brokenness and desperation. My    because the Shores already had    Shores because it starts with her.
             mother and I were so close, and I   four children, eight and under,   My mom was asked to coach the
             was terrified of the future.          including one daughter with whom   7th grade girls’ basketball team
                                               they were still in a very challenging   due to her heart for young people
             Earlier in the day, Lindsay Shores   four-year-long adoption process.   and discipleship. She coached for
             had heard about my mother’s       A team from Church on the Rock,   a season in Africa and has always
             passing and had rushed to my      Lubbock arrived the day after my   been an athlete. Just as in our youth
             mom’s side as they put her body   mom’s funeral. They helped build   center in Botswana, my mom has
             in the back of a truck. With tears   bunk beds to accommodate the new  helped the Trinity girls find even
             streaming down her face, she      family of nine in a small double-  greater purpose in their activity.
             kissed my mother on the forehead   wide home. On the first night in the   Each win her team gets, ministry
             and said, “Goodbye, my friend. I   Shores’ home, I instinctively called   partners donate $10 towards our
             loved you. And I’ve got your son.”    Lindsay, “Mom.” I found out later   Chosen Champions program in
             Lindsay Shores made a promise     that she looked away, fighting back   Botswana that works to help street
             that day. After proper cultural   tears, grieving the loss of Ntebo   kids get off drugs, have food,
             processes with my remaining       and praying she could be faithful in   receive tutoring, and get back
                                               her new circumstances.            in school. It’s her desire to help

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