Page 70 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 70


            FINANCIAL                                Peace of Mind

                   IN                                                            eliminate advisory fees that reduce your
         REtiREmEnt                                                              values.

                                                                                 “Annuities, specifically Fixed Indexed
                                                                                 Annuities (FIA) can offer you market-
                                                                                 like gains without the market risk. By
                                                                                 investing in an FIA, you are taking
             The following information is especially important to Seniors        your money out of Wall Street’s casino,
             approaching age 65 or retirement, and who plan on taking            and we think that’s a good thing! FIA’s
             distributions from their investments as a supplemental income.      experience ZERO LOSSES. This proves
                                                                                 you don’t need double and triple-
                                                                                 digit gains if you don’t experience
           n our last few editions, I gave readers   should be.  But in reality, the years right   losses. In this author’s opinion, every
           ways to use annuities to create a   before and after the beginning of their   sound portfolio with a smart financial
         Iguaranteed lifetime income and how   retirement matter far more than those   plan includes Fixed Indexed Annuity
         to protect their assets with long term   later years.  So if someone ask you,   investments, with tactically managed
         benefits provided by annuities.     “When is the most risky, most critical   portfolios in hopes to minimize market
                                             time for a retiree, when they should not   risks, reduce advisor fees and deliver a
         Knowing you have these possibilities, let   mess anything up?”  It is right here.  If
         us address the possibility of an economic   they want to pick a time in their life to   reasonable rate of return.” (Ford Stokes,
                                                                                 MBA, Annuity360, chapter 1)
         downturn caused by a market collapse.   not lose money, that period would be the
         This can change your dreams for a happy   last 5 years that they are working and the   Annuities can help build a secure
         retirement!  I have a simple method   first 5 years of retirement.”  (Tom Hegna,   retirement through different income
         that will exempt you from that ever   Don’t Worry, Retire Happy)        strategies, while also alleviating any
         happening with a little sound financial                                 stress or fear people may have that is left
         planning.                           After the economic downturn of 2008-  over from the financial crisis of 2008 and
                                             2009, which saw the S&P 500 lose 53%   the bear market. An annuity can protect
         I am reminded of Warren Buffet’s Two   of its value, many retirees suffered with
         Rules of Investing:                 lower retirement expectations, and it   against several risks that can affect
                                                                                 retirees and pre-retirees and offer a better
         1. Never lose money.                changed many lives! 69% had to postpone
         2. Never forget rule #1.            their retirement or decided not to retire   financial safety net than other investment
                                                                                 types. They can play an important role in
                                             at all. Income goals were reduced, forcing
         “Many advisors believe the older one is,   retirees to subsidize their income with   a plan, along with your social security,
         the more conservative their investments   part-time jobs.               healthcare, and other factors.
                                                                                 Annuities are required to reserve 100%
                                                          More recently, we have   of your investment!  Banks are only
                                                          seen inflation cause   required to reserve 3-10%. Having a 100%
                                                          interest rates to spike,   reserve on your money will help you
                                                          causing bonds to lose   sleep at night, knowing that your money
                                                          double digit value. Are   is protected!
                                                          there any “safe harbor”
                                                          investments out there   Famous people who have invested
                                                          that will not lose money   a significant amount of their hard-
                                                          and not break Warren   earned wealth in annuities include
                                                          Buffet’s rules? There is   Babe Ruth, quarterback Steve Young,
                                        Lowell Bridges    an investment, called a   basketball greats Shaquille O’Neal and
         806.790.1625                                     Fixed Indexed Annunity,   Allen Iverson, Benjamin Franklin, and
         2513 86th ST ste.A, Lubbock, TX 79423   AFC member 2023  that can help you do the   Beethoven.       following. It can protect
                                                          your money from market   Financial peace of mind in retirement can
                                                          losses, both stocks    be obtained by growing and protecting
         Association of Financial Consultants (AFC) is an IRS-approved   and bonds; grow your
         501(c)(3) non-profit organization. AFC serves as an informational   money with market-like   your wealth with Fixed Indexed
         teaching resource for the general public. AFC member fiduciaries and   gains; create a safety   Annuities in your Retirement Financial
         consultants are committed to public service. We offer Educational       Plan.
         workshops and classes at no cost or obligation to the attendees.  net around a portion of
                                                          your investments; and

             A special thanks to Tom Hegna, author and lecturer, for ideas contributing to this article, and Ford Stokes,
                                       author of Annuity 360. Ask me for your free copy!

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