Page 64 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 64


                                                                                         One teacher, Traci
                                                                                         Payne, came to Botswana
                                                                                         last summer, entered
                                                                                         my world, and taught
                                                                                         photography! Tom and
                                                                                         Beth Sinclair, of Sinclair’s
                                                                                         Plumbing, Heating and
                                                                                         Air, helped take me to
                                                                                         NYC so I could get a
                                                                                         visa needed to go on a
                                                                                         TCHS mission trip to
                                                                                         Estonia. But it was my
                                                                                         mom’s initial step of
                                                                                         faith that led to these
                                                                                         God took the tragic
                                                                                         loss of my birth mom
            The Shores Family                                                            and transformed it
                                                                                         into a testimony of His
                                                                                         faithfulness. Both my
           everyone walk in their God-given   to get a visa and was provided a           mom, Lindsay, and
           identity and use every opportunity   sponsor for Trinity. We are trusting   I pray that this story gives you
           to help others in need.           that God will do the same thing for   hope that God can bring healing,
                                             university and prepare me to go    redemption, and purpose to your
           Coming to America has been a      back one day and make a difference   story, too. Because while this
           culture shock and a huge change.   in my country with my parents’    story is about me and my mom,
           We have had to trust God for so   ministry. Throughout the process,   God is the real hero. And I am so
           much. Since I am here as a foreign   I have been so grateful to have my   grateful to all those unmentioned in
           exchange student, most financial   mom by my side.                   Lubbock, Trinity, our ministry, and
           aid for college, like FAFSA and                                      my family, who have let God use
           scholarships, are not available to   So many more people have made   them in my story.
           me. It was a miracle I was able   a difference in my life at Trinity.

           Article Submitted by
           Lex Mallege                                                 TRINITY CHRISTIAN

                Lex Mallege is a senior at Trinity Christian High School where he is the student
                chaplain and a leader on the worship team. He recently returned from a TCHS
                mission trip to Estonia to share the hope he has experienced personally. His plans
                for college are still undetermined.

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