Page 68 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 68


                                                                           listening improves. She makes a visible
                                                                           difference in any room.”

                                                                           Among her many interests and hobbies,
                                                                           reading has been a life-long love for
                                                                           Velma Ruth. A story about her younger
                                                                           years demonstrates her thirst for learning:
                                                                           “Once her chores were done, this young
                                                                           girl would grab a book and head for the
                                                                           fields. She knew that she could read lying
                                                                           there between the tall stalks of cotton—
                                                                           undisturbed by adults or her older brother.”
                                                                           She also has had a strong interest in quilting
                                                                           (with great precision). She spends hours—
                                                                           stitching prayer and love into each piece.
                                                                           Velma Ruth has completed more than 75
            Mrs. Shambeck with a few of the "once-a-year" retired principals
                                                                           quilts—and has kept only one for herself.
         grandchildren were in high school, Velma Ruth baked
         casseroles and desserts (weeks in advance) so she could   In addition, she coordinates a group of 36 retired
         race home at noon to feed the grands (and their close   elementary administrators. Two members of that
         friends) before she scurried back to work. Her tireless   group, Carroll Lockett and Joe Williams recently wrote,
         effort and Christ-like example touched the lives of many   ”Velma Ruth is one of those rare individuals in today’s
         teens during a critical period in their development.   world who has always insisted on ‘doing what’s right’;
                                                                she always exceeds expectation in every way.... Quite
         Upon her retirement from public education in 1992,     honestly, no matter what we write about her, it will
         Dr. Shambeck became a teacher and a Core Group         not be able to contain the whole of who she is—and
         Leader in the (Lubbock Area) Community Bible Study     the depth of her influence upon the lives of countless
         organization, serving women of all faiths and ages. In   others—students, teachers, staff, peers, parents, family,
         addition, last year she taught an 11-week course on the   and friends.”
         book of Revelation for a group of 100+ women in her
         place of worship, Southcrest Baptist Church. Velma     Velma Ruth continues to be a leader and friend as she
         Ruth has dedicated more than 30 years of her life to the   models excellence in personal and community life. At
         betterment of Texas public schools and has committed   age 92, she is alert, active, authentic, and approachable—
         an additional 30 years as she continues to lead and teach   truly dedicated to her faith, her family, and her friends.
         weekly. Bible study continues to be fueled by her
         need for ongoing spiritual growth, as well as her
         desire to be of service to others. Emily Lemley,
         Teaching Director of CBS, has said of Velma Ruth’s
         work, “She loves the tough parts of leadership.
         She is also open about challenges she has faced in
         widowhood; in leadership, church, and school; and
         as part of a large family spanning three generations.
         Her authenticity is central as she speaks to an
         auditorium-full or a room-full. … When we see her
         or hear her, we all stand straighter, we smile with      signature chicken & bar
         confidence, our thought processes clear, and our
                                                                  806.368.3915  ■  1636 13th Street, Lubbock, TX 79401  ■

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