Page 62 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 62


              Lindsay Shores

             A Passionate


             Coach, and Mom

             by Lex Mallege

              have had the privilege to attend   and no electricity.
              Trinity Christian School since   My mom ran a
          I ugust 2022 when my family         tuck shop that sold
           transitioned here to America. It   little items to try to
           was a huge change after being born   support us. We had   Lindsay's TCS 7th grade basketball team
           and raised in Botswana, Africa. I   little to survive on,
           never could have imagined I would   and we often went
           have the opportunity to live in    to bed hungry.
           the U.S., much less be taught and
           influenced by so many amazing      Things got a little better for us
           people at Trinity and in the       when my mom met Shannon
           Lubbock community.                 and Lindsay Shores. They
                                              hired her to run a food truck
           Life in Botswana was very          that helped support the Youth
           different, with many hard          Center they had founded.
           challenges. My birth mother,       This meant, at age 11, I had
           Ntebo, was an amazing woman        to help raise my cousins—
           who raised me well with strong     make dinner, help with their
           values, but we didn’t have many    studies, and see to their
           resources. Minimum wage in our     (bucket) baths before bed.
           country is about $140 a month,                                    Lex with his birth mother, Ntebo
           and jobs are scarce. We moved to a   One week my mom started
           small town in 2015 to take care of   getting sick. She didn’t go to   on the day she was scheduled for
           my two cousins because my mom’s    the hospital because she thought   the appointment. She was only
           twin sister needed help because    it would go away. The Shores had   43. When I got home from school
           her legs had stopped working. We   grown close to mom and arranged    that day and heard the news, my
           lived in a small room on the back   an ultrasound. But my mom passed   world shattered. My father had
           of a house with no running water   away suddenly due to a blood clot

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