Page 60 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 60




          by Allison Roberts

        “       ome and knock on our         in recent months.
                door… We’ve been waiting     Please welcome the
         Cfor you…” to join the Osher        new Director, Diana
         Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI)   Wilkinson, and
         at Texas Tech University. Don       the new Assistant
         Nicholl and Joe Raposo said it      Director, Allison
         best in the classic Three’s Company   Roberts!
         theme song, “Come and dance
         on our floor… Take a step that is   “What a great time
         new… We’ve a loveable space that    to join OLLI! OLLI
         needs your face.”                   provides the perfect
                                             platform to learn
         OLLI is a unique learning           new things, meet                    OLLI at Texas Tech was officially
         opportunity designed for people     new people, and have fun. We are    established as an Osher Lifelong
         50 and older to explore exciting    excited to meet our community       Learning Institute in 2008 with
         topics and pursue new interests     of lifelong learners and ready to   an endowment from the Bernard
         in a supportive and like-minded     support your journey in finding     Osher Foundation. The Foundation
         community of adults. We enjoy       connections and exploring new       recognized that many older adults
         learning for the fun of it, with no   interests. We hope to see you     had an interest “in learning for
         tests, no grades, and no papers …   soon!” –Diana Wilkinson, Director   the joy of learning and keeping
         just a thirst for knowledge. Non-                                       in touch with a larger world.”
         credit courses are offered in the   “I am thrilled to be joining        Texas Tech was one of the first 70
         fall, spring, and summer semesters   OLLI and getting to know all       institutions to receive this funding
         at a range of times to accommodate   the wonderful members! What        and is among 125 OLLI sites
         our working and semi-retired        better way to continue growing      throughout the U.S. We are proud
         students.                           and learning as a person, and as    to continue this legacy and hope to
                                             a professional, than to be part of   continue doing so for many years
         While OLLI continues to provide     such a vibrant community focused    to come.
         the same high-quality courses our   on lifelong learning.” –Allison
         members are used to, there have     Roberts, Assistant Director         Topics offered include art, history,
         been some changes to the staff                                          science, health and wellness,

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