Page 58 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 58


              George Collins’

              Inspiring Life

              and Legacy

              by Satchel Harper Collins

                he bond shared between        very situations.
                a granddaughter and her
          Tgrandfather has been a             My grandfather
           continual weaving tapestry of      just recently turned
           love and wisdom transcending       eighty-eight years
           generations. It is impossible to   old. His life and
           describe the love and patience     experiences are
           that goes into this bond. In       not only inspiring,
           the innocence of youth, a          but they also have significance
           granddaughter can find endless     within my family and give even
           wonder and inspiration in a pool   more reason why he is the most
           of people, but from the minute     incredible paragon that I have ever
           she is born, curiosity finds itself   had the pleasure of knowing, let
           looking to the radiant beacon of   alone sharing a bloodline with. My
           light that can only come from her   grandfather was born and raised
           grandfather.                       in Virginia. From the year he was
                                              born in 1936 to the moment he said
           In this particular case, the bond   farewell to the state in 1955, he was
           between me and my grandfather,     continuously discriminated against
           George Collins, is stronger than   as an African American.
           expressed. My grandfather is who
           I strive to be like every day; his   His childhood was one of
           kindness, strength, optimism, and   segregation, inequality, and the   will experience in their entire lives;
           remarkable bravery are inspiring   incessant instant judgment of his   but throughout my seventeen years
           on so many levels. The person that   character based on the color of   of listening to every story he has
           he is and the love that he exudes in   his skin. He, just like every other   ever told, I have never once heard
           the world are constant reminders   person of color, was failed by his   him say anything negative about
           that you will never have the luxury   state due to the social custom of   the nineteen years that Virginia
           of determining the exact situations   discrimination that afflicted his   was his home. He has always
           you may find yourself in, only the   time. The pain that he faced at my   shown nothing but gratitude for
           control of how you react to those   age alone is more than most people   where he was raised.

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