Page 49 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 49


            Article Submitted by
            Jax & Presley Alford                                             SLATON

               Jax Alford attends Slaton High School where he participates in Varsity baseball and
               track. He is a member of FCCLA and FCA, and he is a part of the Culinary Arts and Dual
               credit programs. Jax was a nominee for the Homecoming Court in 2023. In his free time,
               he enjoys drumming and hanging out with his friends and family.

               Presley Alford is a senior at Slaton High School where she participates in Varsity basketball and track. She is a
               member of the student council, FCA and FCCLA. She is the Vice President of the Slaton FFA chapter and participates
               in stock shows where she shows goats. Presley was named Homecoming Queen of 2023. She enjoys spending time
               with her family, friends, and her animals.

            marked the beginning of our strong   listening and offering advice on how   don’t take, so take them.” This simple
            relationship. Coach Martinez has   to approach a variety of circumstances   saying has encouraged me, both on
            pushed me to my limits and made me   in her students’ lives outshines most   and off the court. Coach Villegas has
            believe that I can do things I never   other teachers we have known. Her   been one of the biggest motivators
            believed I could. These are only a   optimistic confidence provides an   in my life and has helped set me on
            few of the ways Coach Martinez    indisputable foundation for creating   the path to success. Coach Villegas is
            has inspired and connected with us   positive connections with students,   an integral part of not only our lives
            as student-athletes, but they paint   both in and outside the classroom.   but also the lives of each student she
            a picture of who he is and what he   The heart of teaching radiates   teaches.
            represents.                       throughout her attitude toward her
                                              students and education as a whole.   Coach Martinez and Coach Villegas
            Coach Villegas has dedicated her   We know that she is the type of   are distinguished teachers who
            life to the growth of her students   teacher that students can always rely   continue to positively impact the lives
            and their ability to achieve their   on for guidance and advice. Coach   of their students. The profession of
            goals beyond high school. Not only   Villegas tenaciously encourages   teaching requires constant sacrifice
            is Villegas an inspirational coach,   students to reach their full potential in   and dedication, to mentor students
            but she is an essential member of   life by exemplifying what it means to   to accomplish their dreams through
            our family. She has constantly set   be a growth-minded leader.      essential life skills. Both coaches are
            aside time to help both of us grow as                                an inspiration to students like us who
            students, athletes, and human beings   Presley: Coach Villegas has taught   look to strong leaders to model good
            throughout our lives.             me so many life lessons and made   attitudes and actions in this world.
                                              me into the young woman I am
            Jax: While she has helped both my   today. Whenever I struggle with self-
            sister and me, Coach Villegas has   confidence,
            been the biggest help for me in   she is always
            deciding what to do with my future   there to boost
            and how to handle it. Without her   my spirit
            constant advice, I would never have   and advise
            taken advantage of enrolling in dual   me on taking
            credit courses or preparing for the   advantage of
            ACT. Despite my rising anxiety,   all life has to
            Coach Villegas was always by my   offer. Coach
            side, helping me get through it. Coach   Villegas
            Villegas’ positive and influential   consistently
            outlook on life is a firm foundation   tells me in
            for her teaching techniques and   basketball,
            aspirations that inspire my sister and   “You miss all                 SISD Board of Trustees
            me. Her commitment to continuously   the shots you         Carlos Bentancourt, President ~ Kara Newcomb, Vice President ~ Justin Martin, Secretary
                                                                            Jaime Diaz ~ Irma Jaramillo ~ Gabriel Johnson ~ Greg Schilling
                                                                                    Shelli Crow, Superintendent

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