Page 50 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 50

LOCAL LEGENDS                                  LOCAL LEGENDS

         TRIBUTE                                                                                  a middle school
                                                                                                  a JV basketball
         TO                                                                                       coach, the Boys’
                                                                                                  Head Coach
                                                                                                  at Lubbock
            Coach Knight                                                                          High, assistant
                                                                                                  middle school
                                                                                                  principal, and
                                                                                                  Head Middle
                                                                                                  School Principal.
         by Dr. Jesus Arenas Jr.                                                                  My current
                                                                                                  position is
         Principal-Slaton High School                                                             Head Principal
                                                                                                  of Slaton High
                                                                                                  School. During
                                 In March    Coach                                                that time, I
                                 2001,       asked                                                also earned
                                 I was       me if I                                              my Master’s
                                 sitting in   had ever                                            and Doctorate
                                 the locker   thought                                             Degrees in
                                 room at     about                                                Educational
                                 Texas       coaching. I said no, but that I     Leadership from Texas Tech.
                                 Tech,       wanted to stay involved with the
                                 waiting     game of basketball. Coach asked me   We lost Coach Knight in November.
                                 to meet     to go to the College of Education   Coach was always proud of me and
                                 our new     and ask what I would need to do to   good to me. I will always be grateful
                                 basketball   become a coach and a teacher. The   that God put Coach Knight in my
          coach—Coach Bobby Knight. I was    next day, I told him that they said   life all those years ago.
          nervous because I was just a senior   that I needed to take some classes
          walk-on, and I was not sure if Coach   in the summer, student teach in
          Knight was going to keep me on     the Fall, and then I would be able
          the team. Thankfully, he kept me,   to become a teacher and a coach.    Ed. Note: Texas Tech was
          and then eventually put me on full   Coach looked at me and said, “Well,   fortunate to have the legendary
          scholarship in June 2001. Playing for   if that’s what you want to do, I’ll   coach for six seasons before he
          Tech and for Coach Knight was a    pay for it. I think you’ll make a very   retired in 2008. He and Karen
          dream come true for a kid born and   fine coach.” Without hesitation, I   remained in Lubbock until
          raised on the east side of Lubbock.   said, “That’s what I want to do.”
                                                                                  2019 when they moved back to
          Several weeks after the 2001-      Little did I know that, over the next   Indiana. He passed away Nov. 1,
          2002 season ended, I went to talk   21 years, Coach Knight and I would   2023. Senior Link featured Coach
          to Coach Knight. I was about to    form an awesome relationship and     Knight in the Summer 2019 issue.
          graduate with a bachelor's degree in   that that meeting in April 2002   You can find it here:
          journalism a couple of weeks later,   would be the start of an amazing
          but I was not sure that I wanted   career for me in education.          Summer 2019 issue.
          to pursue a career in that field. I
          needed some advice.                During those 21 years, I have been

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