Page 46 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 46


              Dr. Michael Hickey

              Leading by


              by Aaron Barbee

                hroughout my entire high      Another noteworthy aspect of Dr.   love for learning and applying math
                school journey, I have been   Hickey’s character is his patience,   in the real world.  His example has
          Tfortunate to encounter many        a virtue he demonstrates across    shown me that patience is a valuable
           incredible teachers who have       all his classes, from teaching 8th   trait and often achieves more in the
           dedicated their time to provide a   graders to seniors. Dr. Hickey    long run than rushing to complete
           foundation of good character and   never hesitates to assist others,   tasks. I have struggled personally
           moral standards for their students.   even on the simplest of problems,   with rushing to finish my tasks in
           However, among them, my math       always providing guidance until    all my classes and did not place a
           teacher, Dr. Michael Hickey, stands   the student can solve the problem   key emphasis on slowing down and
           out as an exceptional mentor.      on their own. This patience became   focusing on efficiency. Dr. Hickey
           Through his kindness, patience,    a major help throughout the most   showed me the values of taking the
           wisdom, and motivation, he has not   challenging math classes I've ever   time to assess the task at hand, to
           only taught me mathematics but also   taken. It helped me to discover my   formulate a plan to complete it, and
           exemplified how a good Christian
           conducts himself in a fallen world.
           One of Dr. Hickey’s defining traits
           is his kindness towards everyone
           around him. He never speaks
           poorly of others but instead is
           quick to build people up. Despite
           not being the best student in his
           class, he never pushed me away
           or treated me any differently            CALL US TODAY!
           than anyone else. His actions
           demonstrated to me that kindness           806-794-1700
           wins the hearts and minds of
           others. Through these experiences,           VISIT US AT
           I grew closer to him, realizing that
           kindness to others is not at all a    MONARCHLBK.COM
           weakness. He has shown me that
           kindness draws people together                        SINGLE STORY
           and helps to form bonds that build                    APARTMENT HOMES!
                                                                 FRONT DOOR PARKING
           the foundations of a strong and                       24/7 MAINTENANCE
           lasting relationship.

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