Page 45 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 45


           Article Submitted by
           Morgan Griffith                                               SUNDOWN HIGH

               Morgan Griffith, daughter of Jeremy and Emilie Griffith, is a senior at Sundown High
               School. She has been accepted into the University of Kansas and West Texas A&M, and
               is planning on majoring in English. She enjoys reading, her dogs, and coffee.

           like ours, has never changed. Originally, Mrs. Jones had   for my accomplishment, but I know that, because of her,
           her heart set on becoming anything but an educator. After   my confidence as a writer grew tremendously. Without
           the birth of her twin daughters, however, her husband   her and her dedication to my progress, my achievement
           encouraged her to return to school. “My husband made   would not have been possible.
           me dream,” Mrs. Jones said, and soon her love for English
           and the desire to teach was clear. I had never seriously   Mrs. Jones’ lasting effect on her students is evident even
           considered a career in teaching, but speaking with Mrs.   in those who do not have a career in the English field.
           Jones and seeing that love for her career has opened my   The work ethic, strict grammar rules, and good habits she
           eyes to an entirely new level of appreciation for English.   instills in her students lasts long after they graduate, and
           She not only encourages a love for the subject she teaches,   I for one cannot wait to use what I have learned under her
           but also a desire to continue in the field of English, and   tutelage in college and my future career.
           that is something I genuinely wish to emulate.

           While I may not have previously given any thought to
           becoming an educator, I have always enjoyed reading
           and writing and have considered it as a possible career
           for as long as I can remember. Throughout school, I
           have competed in various English-related UIL events
           because of my passion for the subject. One competition I
           never considered, however, was Ready Writing. Halfway
           through my junior UIL season, Mrs. Jones came to me
           and asked if I could be a last-minute Ready Writing
           competitor, as another student ended up having a
           conflict. She coached me to the best of her ability, despite
           the limited time available to practice, and ultimately,
           after advancing to Regionals, I earned a silver medal at
           the UIL State Meet. Mrs. Jones hesitates to take credit

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