Page 47 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 47


            Article Submitted by
            Aaron Barbee                                                   SOUTHCREST

               Aaron Brand Barbee attends Southcrest Christian School. He loves to go hunting and
               fishing in his free time. He loves politics and Ronald Reagan. Aaron plans on attending
               the  Masters University  in  California and  plans  to pursue  a degree  in Mechanical

            to work with efficiency in mind for the betterment of my   Dr. Hickey has left a lasting impact on my life. His
            performance and grades.                             example of patience, kindness, and belief in the potential
                                                                of others has shaped my character and views. He has not
            Dr. Hickey has also significantly impacted my life through   only listened to my aspirations but helped refine them
            his wisdom and insight. His knowledge spans various   into realistic goals that I can achieve. Beyond being an
            subjects, and his international travels have allowed him to   exceptional teacher, he has been an incredible friend, and
            engage in conversations on almost any topic. In our deep   I am immensely grateful for the positive influence he has
            conversations and debates, he consistently demonstrates   had on my life and the lives of those around me. For that,
            thoughtful consideration for anything he is interested in   I owe him more than words can express.
            or supports. He taught me the importance of carefully
            examining facts before reaching conclusions, emphasizing
            a "trust, but verify" approach. Additionally, he showed
            me the strength of maintaining friendships despite
            differing viewpoints, a powerful trait of any lasting
            friendship. He has taught me, by example, that we
            should always choose our words carefully and think
            before speaking. By taking this belief to heart, I have                    NOW
            realized that words are incredibly powerful and can
            build up or tear down, depending on how I choose to                          ENROLLING
            use them.

            Furthermore, Dr. Hickey believes the best of everyone                    Pre-k-12th Grade
            around him. He motivates all his students to pursue
            their life goals, inspiring his students that they                           Southcrest Christian
            can achieve them. Personally, he motivated me to
            pursue my dream of becoming a pilot, even after                             School is now enrolling
            facing rejection from the United States Air Force
            Academy due to asthma. He guided me to see that                               for the 2024-2025
            my dream was not at all lost but existed through a
            different doorway. Inspired by him, I plan to pursue                              school year.
            a mechanical engineering degree in college to work
            towards my aviation goal of being an airline pilot. Dr.
            Hickey has taught me that, even when hope seems                           Call TODAY &
            lost, there is always another way to reclaim it. He also
            showed me that by practicing this in my own life, I                           schedule
            can be a better friend to those around me. Because he                        your tour!
            chose to build me up, I can build up my friends and                          806.416.7800
            family around me, as I hope I can also be someone
            whom others can confide in, and that I can give them
            encouragement and motivation to keep going even
            when times get tough.

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