Page 52 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 52


          Two Generations

           One Similar Feeling

              by Sydney Crane, LMFT

                  igh school seniors and      and advice they
                  senior citizens may not     would give to older
          Hcross paths often, but it          adults and high
           was recently found that the two    school seniors about
           groups have one very similar trait   anxiety. Here is
           regarding their respective life stage:   what they each had
           Anxiety about the future (Davich,   to say:
           2023). Senior citizens report feelings
           of anxiety typically surrounding   BRODY: “I have
           limitations of independence, illness,   experienced
           cognitive decline, loss of friends   anxiety this year,
           and family, and mortality (Graham,   specifically around
           2023).                             being a senior,
                                              mostly because of
           High school seniors have expressed   not knowing what
           nerves about the uncertainty of what   is coming next and
           comes after graduation - where     trying to finish                   specifically who has helped
           they will go, where they will live, if   everything before graduation.” He   minimize his anxiety and motivated
           they will work, go to college, trade   also added, “Senioritis is very real.”   him this year. “The person who has
           school, or the military. Contrast to   (Senioritis is a common feeling in   inspired me this year is my Momo”
           senior citizens feeling limited in their   high school and college seniors   (paternal grandmother). “She is
           options, high school seniors may feel   where the final year of schooling   always talking about how proud
           overwhelmed with an abundance of   is met with a decline in motivation   she is of me going to nursing school,
           options post-high school.          to finish or perform work with the   succeeding in life, and telling me
                                              highest effort). Brody continued,   how I have the world in front of me.”
           To explore more of this unique     “My plans after graduation are to
           experience of anxiety in high school   attend South Plains College and   Brody concluded with this: “Advice I
           seniors, I recently spoke with     apply to Covenant School of Nursing   would give to older adults and high
           siblings Brody Cantu and Kaleigh   for my Registered Nursing degree.”   school seniors is stick to what you
           Varghese, seniors at Monterey      When asked if he feels like post-high   know and what you are comfortable
           High School, who both graduate     school opportunities are endless,   with. Take it one day at a time, each
           this spring. I asked each of them   Brody reported, “I do feel like I have   thing as it comes, and the future will
           about their experiences with anxiety   unlimited opportunities. I feel like I   come soon enough. Do not be afraid
           surrounding the senior year, if they   can do anything I want if I just put   to get out of your comfort zone, too.
           knew what their plans were after   my mind to it.”                    Failures mean more opportunities
           graduation, opportunities available,                                  to come back and win, so don’t be
           seniors who have influenced them,   Brody said there was one person   afraid to fail. Don’t be scared to

           *If you are struggling with anxiety, reach out for support or resources near you.*

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