Page 44 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 44


              Johnnie Jones

              Passing Along

              Her Passion

              by Morgan Griffith

                 s graduation looms closer,   beneficial courses I
                 I begin to appreciate the    have ever taken. The
          Awisdom of older people             workload is large
           more and more. Advice about        and the grading
           college, housing, and career plans is   is tough, but Mrs.
           more valuable than ever. The most   Jones goes out of her way to assist
           invaluable advice, in my opinion,   each student in comprehending
           comes from those with careers in my   the texts and producing the best
           chosen field. My English teacher,   essays possible in order to propel
           Johnnie Jones, has not only assisted   each student to reach their highest
           me in my writing, but also mentored,   potential. For instance, one can
           coached, and gone out of her way to   schedule a conference with Mrs.
           help me with whatever I needed. The   Jones to go over his or her essay
           impact she has had on her students,   before it is graded. This type of
           even those whom she taught decades   dedication and determination to see
           before, is still apparent. I am proud   every student succeed and become
           to say her influence on me is already   the best writer possible is a true
           proving itself to be long-lasting.   testament to just the kind of educator
           While every English teacher I have   Mrs. Jones is. One can actually track
           had has nurtured my love for the   his or her improvement and become   I discussed Mrs. Jones’ teaching
           subject, only a select few have    more conscious of repeated mistakes   career and love for literature with
           significantly grown both my writing   before the grade is finalized. This   her, and it was inspiring, to say the
           ability and my appreciation for    goes to show that Mrs. Jones is not   least. Her love for the subject and
           literature. Mrs. Jones, who has taught   simply a tough grader for the sake of   her students was overwhelmingly
           me English 1301, 1302, 2332, and   being a tough grader but because she   apparent. While the overarching
           2333, certainly has done both and   genuinely cares about her students’   message she wishes to convey to
           done so in a way that will likely stay   progress. Her willingness to drop   her students has changed through
           with me for the rest of my life.   everything to assist her students and   her career—originally, her goal
                                              do almost anything to aid in their   was to inspire a love of reading in
           Mrs. Jones’ classes are infamously   understanding is a testament to not   every student, but currently, it is to
           tough—not for the faint of heart.   only her character but her teaching   instill in everyone that “writing is
           While the latest class is admittedly   aptitude.                      thinking”—her love for the sense of
           difficult, it also is one of the most                                 community, only felt in a small town

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