Page 51 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 51


          by Chip Polk

                 ow many things are out there   denominations to share the joyful,
                 to do, that three, or even four   reassuring truth about the person   Scripture, to
         Hgenerations of a family can         and promise of Jesus, through music,   uncover a
          enjoy together? It isn’t uncommon to   drama, and even humor. Through   story that still
          see that happening at Ragtown Gospel   seventeen seasons of changes in the   impacts the
          Theater in Post.                    world around us, that mission has   world two
          Just a short drive away, “Ragtown” is   become all the more important.  thousand years
          a favorite destination for many, many   We’re told so often that coming to   later.
          families, friends, church groups, and   Ragtown is a respite ... a place where,   Every production begins with powerful
          bus tours. Chances are, someone has   for a couple of hours, everything   and uplifting music. Chip Polk, at the
          told you about this amazing theater out   feels right. That, of course, is all the   piano, sings with the amazingly gifted
          on a ranch in Post. Those who attend   Lord’s doing, by surrounding us   Jeff Bailey and Savannah Gwinn.
          are always eager to share how they   with an amazing group of people, all
          were thoroughly entertained, carried   volunteering their time and incredible   For information about upcoming
          away by the beauty of the theater,   talent to present the music and plays.  shows, go to or
          delighted by the hospitality, and   This spring, Glenn Polk directs 33 A.D.,   call 877-724-8696.
          blessed by the music and live theater   which weaves together the stories of
          productions.  We couldn’t ask for better   four very enigmatic figures in the Bible,
          “word of mouth” advertising.        and their part in the crucifixion and
          From the beginning, our hope was to   resurrection of Jesus.  This probing
          bring together all ages and Christian   drama reaches between the lines of

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