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                                               with his life. I do understand it is ok   a lot. She has taught me that, with
                                               not to know what comes next, but for   faith, anything can be overcome, and
                                               me, I want to know, and I want to be   I can do anything.” Kaleigh shared
                                               certain about what it is I do.    the following advice, “I do struggle
                                                                                 with my own anxiety regarding the
                                               “My plans after graduation are to   unknown, but I would tell others to
                                               hopefully attend college at Texas   trust that everything that needs to
                                               Tech or another university, but   happen will find a way to happen.
                                               right now I am still unsure about   I believe everything happens for a
             ask for help or guidance, whether   the best next step for me. There are   reason, so that is something to keep
             it is with school or in life. Do not   so many options, so many different   in mind, especially during the hard
             stress about the future too much. It   possibilities, which I feel like are   times. Enjoy life as it comes and learn
             will piece together exactly how it is   unlimited and endless if I really   from everything that comes your way
             supposed to.”                     apply myself. I know I will figure it   because there is always a lesson to be
                                               out.”                             learned!”
             KALEIGH: When asking Kaleigh
             about her senior year she said,   Kaleigh proceeded to note one special   No matter the life stage we are in,
             “[Senior year] brought me the most   person who has helped her navigate   anxiety is very real and very present.
             anxiety because of the need to look   the anxieties of senior year. “I feel like   Even the generations after us can
             toward the future. Everyone was   my Nana (maternal grandmother)    teach and inspire about taking our
             telling me it’s okay not to know   inspires me the most, especially this   futures one day at a time, leaning
             what I am doing with my life after   year. She has endured a lot over the   on that special person for support
             graduation, but it was hard watching   past few years with my papa dying,   during the hard times, and trusting
             them praise my brother because he   and she never fails to show up with a   everything will happen exactly as it is
             knows exactly what he wants to do   smile on her face, which I know takes   supposed to.

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