Page 42 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 42

SENIOR RESOURCES                                                        SENIOR RESOURCES

            DEREGULATION                    Making a WISE Choice

          by Laura Landes

               ecently, the city of Lubbock has witnessed a significant   Beware that the deregulation of electricity in Lubbock has
               transformation in its electricity landscape through   given rise to a competitive market where some providers may
         Rderegulation. With this deregulation, you now have    resort to making promises they cannot keep. Likewise, a recent
         the power and freedom to choose your electricity supplier.   news report warned citizens about choosing smaller companies
         It's more than just a policy change—it's a game-changer—not   that will potentially go out of business. Wise Lubbock Energy
         only for individuals but for Lubbock as a whole. For seniors in   is an affiliate of Xoom Energy, which has been serving
         Lubbock, this newfound freedom is more than just a matter of   customers across the US and Canada for over ten years.
         choice—it's a means of empowerment.
                                                                I would like to encourage seniors and their families to consider
         As the director of WISE (Wisdom Inspired Senior Education),   Wise Lubbock Energy—a provider that not only offers
         the free community program offered by Lake Ridge Chapel   competitive, reliable fixed-rate plans but funnels all proceeds
         and Memorial Designers, my goal for you is empowerment.   directly into the WISE program. This empowering choice
         Our WISE workshops are designed to educate, empower, and   means you are no longer constrained by a one-size-fits-all
         enhance the lives of our Lubbock senior community, while   model, allowing you to choose a provider that aligns with your
         engaging in some fun and fellowship along our educational   values and contributes to the betterment of our community. We
         journey. This is why I am so proud to announce Wise Lubbock   look forward to serving you, as well as having you join us on
         Energy, a provider that I proudly represent as an independent   our educational journey!
                                                                For more information, please call Lake Ridge Chapel at
         Because the deregulation of electricity means that residents   806-698-8085.
         are no longer bound to a single utility provider, consumers
         can now explore various options, compare rates, and select
         the supplier that best aligns with their needs, and this is what
         makes Wise Lubbock Energy so special.

         Wise Lubbock Energy is comparable in price to all other
         approved companies for the Lubbock area, but what makes
         it stand out is its commitment to supporting the local
         community, meaning the profit stays here. When seniors
         choose Wise Lubbock Energy as their electricity supplier, they
         are directly contributing to the WISE program, a valuable
         resource for many senior residents in the area.
         Just like our WISE program, Wise Lubbock Energy is
         about giving back; therefore, all proceeds generated from
         individuals signing up for Wise Lubbock Energy are
         channeled into the WISE program, ensuring that the benefits
         of your choice will come full circle. By selecting Wise Lubbock
         Energy, seniors not only gain a reliable electricity provider but
         also actively participate in supporting a program that many of
         you already belong to and that enriches your life.

         One of the key advantages offered by Wise Lubbock Energy is
         a 36-month fixed-rate plan. In an era marked by uncertainty,
         this fixed-rate plan provides seniors with stability and
         protection against fluctuating energy costs. With no gimmicks
         such as “free nights/weekends” or surprises, Wise Lubbock
         Energy empowers seniors to plan their budgets effectively and
         eliminates the worry associated with unpredictable energy

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