Page 41 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 41


            After graduating, Jenkins started working as an RN in   healthcare field and the lives of her patients. I admire her
            the ICU and recovery room. During this time, she had   for choosing to enter the workforce again after retiring
            two children, Kim and Chris. An ICU doctor offered her   and glad she chose to come back to Lubbock after all these
            a position at his clinic, which she held for three years.   years. She has dedicated her life to helping others, and I
            After her husband graduated in 1980, they both became   hope to carry on her legacy.
            pharmaceutical representatives. She then went back to
            school and earned her bachelor's in nursing at West
            Texas University and continued studying for her
            masters, which she earned in 1994, all while being an
            educator to other pediatric nurses. Along with this,
            she worked as a nurse for victims of sexual assault and
            helped collect forensic evidence to convict assailants.
            After working as a SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse
            Examiner), she began the challenging task of planning
            and opening units in various hospitals. At Saint
            Anthony's in Amarillo, she opened units for family
            practice, pediatrics, gynecology, and mother and baby.
            When Saint Anthony’s and High Plains Baptist hospitals
            merged, she opened neonatal and pediatric ICU units
            before moving to the Dallas area in 2001.

            While in Dallas, Debbie returned to being a pediatric
            educator. Five years later, I was born in Lubbock as her
            third grandchild. She flew straight here and stayed with
            my family for my first few days of life. For the next eight
            years, I would travel to Dallas to visit my grandparents,
            and the memories I made stick with me today. She
            would take me shopping for dolls and to dinosaur
            museums. We would go to yoga with her friend and
            make cardboard castles in her dining room. After
            thirteen years in Dallas, Debbie and Larry temporarily
            retired to travel in their RV. They both love this beautiful
            country and wanted to see as much as they could.

            After a couple of years of that lifestyle, Debbie and Larry
            moved to Lubbock to be closer to me as I finished my
            final years of high school. Debbie went back to work at
            Covenant Children’s Hospital, first as a prenatal nurse
            educator, then as a labor and delivery nurse. She takes
            care of mothers and their newborn babies, making sure
            all their needs are met with hospitality and kindness.
            While Debbie has been in Lubbock, we have grown so
            much closer. Now that she’s only a few miles away, we
            regularly go to All About Cha for sushi and connect
            with each other over our similar interests. I love hearing
            about her work at the hospital and telling her about my
            volunteer work at Refuge Services. While she has always
            been very active in my life, it’s been special to have her

            Nurses have a huge impact on the health of their
            patients, and Debbie is no exception. I’m proud of the
            many contributions my grandmother has made to the

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